Haven't I been saying I would make a better attempt to keep up on my blogging here. Well obviously this has not happened. Another week has gone by and this is it.
Retirement life is busy I tell you.
With having the grandkids and daughter here, there really isn't enough hours in the day. Today I said I would put something up here, just so you know I am still alive and not ignoring you. I am avoiding is more like it.
Snowing here, can you all say "Yuck!"
Christmas is less than a month away! Another "Yuck!"
But holidays are very fast approaching, everyone say "Yay!"
And we are going to Disney, that's right you heard me, compliments of my daughter and her boyfriend, we are going to Disney for 7 days, poor Donkey. We already have our Mickey ears, and looking forward to wearing them for those 7 days, pictures for sure to follow. Well again if I can remember how I did that.
I love holidays and love the heat, can't wait to get away for a well deserved rest. Taking our time this time around on the drive and do a bit more of the sites I think is the plan. We will stretch our 2 day travel to maybe 3 or 4, no rush this year we have 3 weeks of holidays coming, luckey Donkey, and he deserves it. Remember he does live with me, so he really deserves it.
Daughter and the kids move this coming week, I think my little dog is looking forward to having peace and quiet again. Only see my cat at night, well we see her, she is just a blur of fur. They have been traumatized to say the least. Oh and to sleep past 5, can't wait for that first morning. I maybe won't have to go to bed by 9 for a change, okay I probably will, but only because I like to sleep.
Have heard from a few of you regarding my lack of posts, and I do apologize and I am not going to make false promises to you, I do try, just not hard enough I guess, but that is retirement for you. Would think with winter upon us and the cold, I would have even more free time, well that just hasn't happened. Probably because I am going to be bed at 9.
So is anyone making headway with Christmas shopping? I have actually started a bit, and really we are doing the bulk when away, save the taxes. Just hate what Christmas represents now a days to the kids, they just want more and more. Remember the day you were very happy to get that one special toy, and the rest was maybe clothes and things for school. Not anymore! Everywhere you turn there is toys and advertisements for toys and I want this and I want that. Donkey and I have been discussing in detail this year that we are just not going to do it. A couple of those asked for toys and that is it. Children are just missing the point of the meaning of Christmas now a days and it really is just too bad.
I really haven't much more to add today, Donkey is working in the basement this weekend, we broke down and bought a sump pump, yes there is still a flow of water in my basement. So he is going to be busy, anyone want to help?!
They say 20 to 30 centimeters of snow coming our way, so maybe grama is going to get herself a snowman on the front yard, can't wait. Have new coat and boots to participate in that activity. And some hot chocolate and baileys for after I have frozen off my ass in the snow.
Did I tell you they are moving in a week. Kidding, has been fun having the kids here, well when they are asleep. Such angels when they are sleeping. I remember mine sleeping, and they were angels too.
Off I go, it is pizza night, and somebody has to call.
Have a good weekend everyone, I will try to post next week more than once, fingers crossed. With my fingers crossed though I can't type so I guess that won't work.
love and hugs