Friday, September 24, 2010

We have hot water again!

We got the basement all cleaned last night, finished about 11, oh it was so yuck!!! The gas guy came just after 8 this morning, he was able to re-set the water tank no problem, oh thank goodness for that. And now I guess we just wait for next time. But he was good enough to show how to re-set by turning on and off. And small world, he was the same guy that came to do the furnace cleaning earlier in the year that I put in a formal complaint regarding his attitude and his work. He couldn't of been nicer to me today, very helpful and understanding. As Donkey said maybe back earlier in the year he was having a bad day.

So life is good! I am clean and I can clean!

Pool closing tomorrow, who wants to come and help!? Rain or shine!

And it is the fall fair here in my little village, all the red necks will be out and over-take my quiet little haven. It really is a big deal here, brings lots of people to the village, and adds some badly needed income I am sure to the little shops. But for us that live here causes a lot of inconvenience.

I think the grandkids are coming tonight to go to the Derby, again not a fan, too much noise for me.

Can you believe the weather today, I am back in shorts, figure this will be the last time to wear them here in Ontario for the year. Should of cut grass today, but I didn't, maybe over the weekend I will try and get it done for the last time this year. Plants are all winterized and ready for the snow, sorry I said that bad word.

Okay check out this link, I was laughing so hard I was crying. Not that I am promoting, it is just funny to listen to this.

Well it is the weekend again, and we have of course lots to do around here as well as the pool closing. Airport tomorrow for my sister-in-law, and she is here for a couple of weeks, I apologize in advance for my lack of posts.

Have a Great Weekend everyone and will share with you next week.

love and hugs

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rain, rain, go away, don't come back ....

Okay so the rain can stop now. Our house was built back in the late 1800's, beautiful old money pit it is. We have been here for just over 16 years and this is the year our basement decides it wants to be an indoor pool.

Woke up this morning to a note from Donkey, "not hot water, I will be right back home", okay that is weird what is going on? Downstairs I look, and I don't go downstairs on my own on the best of days, but the last time my hot water quit they showed me how to re-set it. Okay I can do that, yeah not without a canoe.

So guess what we have been doing today?!

Water everywhere, almost a foot of water, no hot water for us, glad we don't need the furnace.

Donkey and I spent the morning pumping water and cleaning up. Long over due for the clean-up, hell of a way to get motivated. Gas company is coming tomorrow to fix the hot water, well only if there is no water. Oh the drama!

Went into my daughters to have a shower, stinky I was after all that. Tomorrow cross your fingers we will have hot water.

And my sister-in-law is coming Saturday, so we need to have this all taken care of, my head hurts.

Haven't even been link building today, hoping to do while Donkey is at hockey later. Yesterday went out to my Kittens' and taught her some link building, she is now working with my daughter and I. She has a new baby at home, plus her two wonderful young men, oh and her husband (of course) to look after, it doesn't pay to go to work when you have daycare to pay. Why not, stay at home and get paid to read articles, nice gig if you ask me. Oh and don't ask me for work, not hiring.

Well my Donkey is heading out the door for second game of hockey, and that means I should get to work, after I go and pump some water off of the damn pool. Did I tell you it was raining, wow, is it going to let up soon. I hate to say it, and you won't hear me repeat, but would rather have snow.

Have a great night all my friends!

love and hugs

If you don't hear from us in a few days please pop over, we might of drowned, no only kidding, but if you are in the area. ?!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You won't believe this!!!!

Remember my post To Pee Or Not To Pee, well this is a good one.

Sitting here linking away, which I have my office space set-up right in front of the piano room window, so I can see and get some sun. And this woman comes walking up towards the vehicles, oh is someone here? I ask myself, oh no she has a dog. Now our driveway is probably four cars long and two wide. There is no reason for someone to come up unless they are coming to the house. So I get up to see if I can help her, "oh No! just out walking my dog". Seriously, in my driveway. What do you think I said? "How about not in my driveway". The dog is on a leash and she is letting it come up the driveway to piss on my vehicle tires, come-on people, what is wrong with this.

She looked at me as if I had two heads, when I asked her to maybe not let her dog up my driveway, it is bad enough that they piss all over my flowers and trees, now you have to come and piss on my tires. Shall I come over to your house and do the same. Oh yeah you know I said it. Really upsets me! No really upsets me, that I kind of see red. It is disrespectful of my property that you can come tooddiling up my drive and you have no problem with it.

I am taking this further by the way. I am writing to the paper, and saying my piece, and tomorrow I have to go to the township office to pay taxes and I am asking what my rights are in this regards. It has to stop or I am going to snap someone's neck, and it won't be the dog. Not their fault their owners are idiots, they are the one on the other end of the leash and obviously not the leaders.

That is my rant, oh wow, I am wound up now, I don't even think I can go back to work now, too upset. Anyone who knows my Donkey knows his feelings regarding his little blue baby and how often he is out there cleaning her and washing tires. He would of lost it if he had of been here. Or at least sent me out.

Have a Happy Piss Free Day

love and hugs

Oh yeah and dinner was great, we both lived through it and would for sure make again, fish sauce isn't that bad after all. The only thing I would change, is maybe not drink so much wine before dinner was prepared. Oh well you know me, have wine, must drink it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Picture Day

Was the grand kids first picture day. Well actually we have tried once for portraits, we did get a beautiful picture but swore we wouldn't do again, at least for a long time.

My little grandson had his first school picture taken today, and as per him it was great and he gave a big smile. I can't wait. And today was his first day with his new teacher, my daughter says she seems a lot nicer and she is a lot younger than the last one. He has been moved to a smaller class, thank goodness. How can they properly do anything with a class of almost 40 students all under the age of 5. His new class has only 15, so much better.

And my little granddaughter went and had hers done at WalMart, they will be in next week, the one her mom took she looks so cute. Can you believe they gave her trouble for taking a picture of her getting her picture taken. I just can't believe they would say anything let alone ask her to delete it, really.

The weekend was very uneventful, Donkey golfed on Saturday and I did some extra link building for some extra holiday money. Oh yeah we are already talking about holidays which aren't until December but we are excited. Love Florida! And this year we are doing the whole Disney experience, well if I have my way we will be.

This weekend we are closing the pool and picking up my sister-in-law from the airport, not sure how long she is here and I can't tell you why she is here either, it is a big secret, I will share when I get the go ahead.

Tonight I am trying a very different dinner dish for Donkey and I to try, and I don't even have the name of it, I didn't print that part of the recipe off. But it has chicken, squash, zucchini and fish sauce. Not too sure about the fish sauce, but says it is essential. Have already been given the heads up of the smell, so shouldn't be too shocking. Will let you know tomorrow how it was, unless of course we die of food poisoning. Which I think we have pretty tolerable stomachs, I have been cooking for Donkey for over 19 years now. And if you know him he sure doesn't look starved.

So I am off to have a pre-dinner glass of wine, have been a really good housewife/SEO and not had a drink since my all nighter with my English friend last week, and really won't be doing that again any time soon. I am pretty sure the wine store was worried about me, they were all happy to see me today.

Okay my friends, I am off for a quiet night, at least I hope, with lots of new tv programs on for Donkey to watch and a good book for me.

Have a Happy Day!

love and hugs