Okay so the rain can stop now. Our house was built back in the late 1800's, beautiful old money pit it is. We have been here for just over 16 years and this is the year our basement decides it wants to be an indoor pool.
Woke up this morning to a note from Donkey, "not hot water, I will be right back home", okay that is weird what is going on? Downstairs I look, and I don't go downstairs on my own on the best of days, but the last time my hot water quit they showed me how to re-set it. Okay I can do that, yeah not without a canoe.
So guess what we have been doing today?!
Water everywhere, almost a foot of water, no hot water for us, glad we don't need the furnace.
Donkey and I spent the morning pumping water and cleaning up. Long over due for the clean-up, hell of a way to get motivated. Gas company is coming tomorrow to fix the hot water, well only if there is no water. Oh the drama!
Went into my daughters to have a shower, stinky I was after all that. Tomorrow cross your fingers we will have hot water.
And my sister-in-law is coming Saturday, so we need to have this all taken care of, my head hurts.
Haven't even been link building today, hoping to do while Donkey is at hockey later. Yesterday went out to my Kittens' and taught her some link building, she is now working with my daughter and I. She has a new baby at home, plus her two wonderful young men, oh and her husband (of course) to look after, it doesn't pay to go to work when you have daycare to pay. Why not, stay at home and get paid to read articles, nice gig if you ask me. Oh and don't ask me for work, not hiring.
Well my Donkey is heading out the door for second game of hockey, and that means I should get to work, after I go and pump some water off of the damn pool. Did I tell you it was raining, wow, is it going to let up soon. I hate to say it, and you won't hear me repeat, but would rather have snow.
Have a great night all my friends!
love and hugs
If you don't hear from us in a few days please pop over, we might of drowned, no only kidding, but if you are in the area. ?!
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