Monday, July 26, 2010

Did everyone have a nice weekend? Great weather, always nice on a weekend!

We picked up our house guests Friday afternoon and had the pleasure of driving back up north from Toronto in the cottage traffic. These people do this every weekend? Not frigging likely, an hour and a half trip was closer to three hours in solid traffic. Would never be my way to start off a weekend to the cottage, nope, would be stressed to the max!

Had a nice weekend, some good food, compliments of Donkey. Oh and way too much beer, sorry about the 3 a.m., my dear sister-in-law. Good thing she is tolerant, well for those of you who know me, you all understand tolerance.

Some great news from my bestest friends out west, they are coming home!!!! Isn't that wonderful, can't wait, I know the time has gone by quicker than we all expected but this is way better. I am being selfish, but can't wait for them to be back within driving distance. And don't care how many hours, at least they will be here in Ontario. Everyone wish them the best of luck to get here nice and quick and start the next faze of their lives.

Here is a little chuckle. We are having our furnace cleaned today, and the very pleasant man who shows up to do it is a larger man. The entrance into our basement isn't a very large space, and you also have to duck down to get thru one area, sorry I am rude, well that isn't the best of it. I open the door to our spider infested dungeon and apologize for the cob webs and the larger than life spiders, and he is that is okay this is why the customer goes first. Haha, guess what I don't go down there, sorry about your luck. Well let us just say he isn't as pleasant as he was upon arrival. :) What I told you I am rude. Sorry he is now sitting in his truck with it running, probably air conditioning. He wanted the furnace running, not me.

Okay that isn't nice, but it is kinda funny.

Well the site I usually do my links on isn't working today, it was, decided I guess that I should have the time off with my company and sit by the pool and drink beer. Sure not going to argue with that, someone obviously loves me and wants me to relax and work on my chocolate tan. So I shall leave you until next time. Have a good day everyone, hope you are having as good as a day as I am about too.

love and hugs

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