Life seems to be way too busy for me, retirement is a very busy time, and who would of thought it. I feel like I get up in the morning and rush through my day, only to go to bed to start all over again the next day. My house should be spotless, not, my yard should be a garden of eden, not even close. And even my drinking is way down, well not way down but sure not getting enough. :)
I want to add some pictures finally. Okay only one, that is allowed I have been allowed.
This is my Donkey, and he is going to shoot me for posting this picture, but I did tell him to smile, so his fault.
Today is cold in our little village. I am cold already, not sure what I am going to do come winter.
Was at the dentist again today, one more to go and my teeth will be all pearly white again. Well still have one more wisdom tooth to come out. Will that mean I won't be as wise as I presently am?
We really haven't been doing a whole lot around here but just seems so busy for some odd reason. I know even Donkey is complaining about being worn out. Maybe it is the shorter days and lack of sun.
My brother called us over the weekend to announce his daughter, my niece, is getting married next July. They are going on a cruise, fingers crossed we are going with them. Have never been on a cruise, not sure about the ride on the boat concept, but hey I will try anything at least once. Boy cruises are expensive! We are checking out prices and seeing if my retired budget can handle it.
We announced this morning to each other that we are closing the pool next weekend, it is time, no one is using (only 66 degrees) so it is time to shut it down for another year. Hate the thoughts of looking outside and seeing that big black tarp that protects the pool. This time of year the pool becomes a lot of hard work, trying to keep the leaves and critters out.
And some really awesome news from my favorite sister-in-law and brother-in-law, but I can't tell, sorry, have been sworn to secrecy. Call me and I will let you know!
Well it is going on 3 and I still have a couple of hours of link building to do today, and really should run to the wine store and get supplies. See what I mean, my day is just so busy.
Have a Happy Day everyone!
love and hugs
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