Thursday, October 7, 2010

Really it is Thursday Already!

I can't believe it is already Thursday and the long weekend is upon us. Oh and I haven't posted anything since last week. Not really my fault, have been way too busy.

This is good news! I finally got rid of that damn piano! Donkey is so funny, he emails to tell me he was going to take lessons to be able to play in his retirement years at discos. No really, he still thinks there is discos out there somewhere. There isn't, is there?

We thought our basement was finished leaking, but I guess it really isn't. That is this weekends project, hydraulic cement will be plugging up some cracks and holes, whether they are leaking or not. Really would like to be able to close my bathroom window and not have a big black hose sticking out of it. Not a good look in my opinion.

My sister-in-law has flown home as of last night, I am sure she will be happy to be back in her own environment again and able to look after her husband and his sore back (butt actually). They are expected back the end of November to take possession of their new retirement home. Yep we are going to be neighbors, hope they can handle us?! Won't actually be for a couple of years but the price was right and timing couldn't of been better for them. They have some renovations ahead of them, but will be a great place when all done.

So now that the piano is gone I have a very large space to fill up. Would love to buy a new desk, but not sure exactly what I want so I will wait until it jumps out at me. Moved around some furniture to take away the bareness, but not quite happy with the space yet. Tomorrow is another day and I am sure I will move around some more furniture again.

Does everyone have plans for Turkey Day this weekend? We are going to Donkey's family. Tomorrow I am baking one of my carrot cakes with cream cheese, yummy. And Donkey has to cook potatoes for approximately 30 people, happy peeling to you Donkey. Funny in my early retirement we seem to be entertaining less and less and here is me with all the time in the world but no inkling to cook big meals for people that I really don't want here. Isn't that terrible!?

And funny thing is, here I am not cooking turkey dinner, but I bought three of them. They were on sale, and can always have turkey anytime.

I just got a phone call from my Canadian bank and the reason I say Canadian is because they are Canadian, so why can't they have their telemarketers speak damn english!!! I have real issues with people who can't speak our language in our country. If we were in their country you for sure know we would have to be able to speak their language. Have to follow their customs, their religions, schooling, policing, oh I could go on and on. Here, yeah not so much. Come to our country, our beautiful Canada and rape it. That is right we are raping our own country. Our religion is always under question, our school policies change to accommodate, oh and please wear your turban with our police uniform. And if you don't live in our beautiful country then why not work for our employers in Canada in your own country and take away our jobs. Well at least until you can immigrate with your families and then we will just support you until you are able to save enough money to buy another one of our convenience/gas stations and bring the rest of your family over. Why can we not buy cigarettes if we are under aged but some kid that can't speak english can sell them to us? Oh that is right, they sure know how to count our money! Back to my bank, trying to sell me insurance, and they are high pressure sales people, and when you are trying to be polite and explain to them you can't understand a damn word they are saying, they just keep talking. Hello! Can I speak to someone I can understand! Yeah no, I am sorry there is no one available at this time and the pitch continues. And me being me, asked where they are calling from, yep I am right, they aren't even in Canada, they are in some country that I can't even understand the name to. I am sure they aren't making a ton of money, but I bet there is some guy currently looking for work or that is on welfare that could do the job. Keep our work in Canada people! Don't support companies that feel the need to take their business and businesses over seas. Stand-up and complain, you know I will.

Okay that was my rant, and I had no intentions to rant today, just happy to be back on track and catch up with my blogging friends. But there you go, you knew I would find something to rant about.

Well off I go, get something going for Donkey's dinner, spaghetti night. Thursday during hockey season is always spaghetti night. And I do make good spaghetti.

Enjoy the rest of the day, hope it has been a Happy one!

love and hugs

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