Thursday, August 26, 2010

Doesn't Work!

Well we all could of predicted it, the damn fridge doesn't work! It sure is clean! So what would you do with it? We are now stuck with a fridge that is taking up space in our garage that we do like to park our little car in and we can't. Would you take it back? That is what I want to do with it! Was it out of the goodness of their hearts that they gave it to us? Well sure it was, but under the circumstances, that one it was disgusting and two it doesn't work. I feel we should load it up and take it back. Donkey doesn't agree, well when he is complaining about it in his way and his little car is out in the weather we shall see.

Here is a cute funny for you all. This morning we were having hydro issues, kind of normal around here, we don't really pay a whole lot of attention, it comes back on eventually. But then the internet went out and for us that also means our phone system is down. Okay I have my cell phone, sure it won't be long they must be digging somewhere. Well good old hydro I guess was doing some work somewhere here in town and finished up the job they were doing only to forget to put the boom thing down and upon driving away they pulled down all the wires, that they had just replaces, and also all the cable and internet lines, too funny. I wonder who has to pay for that? Looks like hydro is going to go up again.

So back to our fridge dilemma, Donkey is going and buying a fridge this afternoon before he heads home. Kinda think he is maybe feeling bad for me and all the time and effort I put into this piece of crap and is going to break down and get me a nice new clean one. Everyone raise your arms in a cheer, I know I am.

Today didn't really get anything done, with no internet for part of the day and bad disposition for pretty much most of the day, all I have to show for my angry day is a chicken in the crock pot, that smells wonderful, and some unfinished laundry, that when I am done here I shall go and finish. So really a nothing day and really nothing else to share today. It will be an evening of too much wine I am sure and maybe sometime in the hot tub. Can you get over how cold it is out there today! Going to have to change into some pants and socks if this keeps up. It is suppose to get nice and warm for the weekend, can't wait for the heat to come back, and for our pool party. And did I tell you my greatest friend is going to be here, sure I did earlier in the week. Have spent most of today getting pictures burnt off of the computers for her to take home with her. She is going to be surprised, well she won't now will she if she reads this, oh well.

Have a Happy Day everyone. And don't take fridges from family until you look in them and make sure they are working, I am talking I want to see the ice please.

And Happy Birthday Marty! Hope to see you this weekend!

love and hugs

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Laundry & Housework

Who should be doing the laundry and the housework around your house? I guess if you live alone then the answer is very simple, you are. What if there is others in your house, should they be participating? Do they wear clothes? How about making a mess around the house, or they just don't do that.

I have always done the laundry and the housework around my home, mainly because no one knows how to do it the way I like it done. My sister-in-law always teases me when she is here for a visit about the way I fold laundry, especially my towels. And I am fine if you can't do it my way then please don't do it at all.

My Donkey is responsible for his garage space, and of course it is always my fault when it is a mess. He is so disorganized when he is doing anything, even the smallest of projects he makes a mess, and kind of looks to others to clean it up. Even his office is a mess, and there is no one to clean that up for him, it is his private mess. And I am sure every once in awhile he must clean house, I can just imagine his drawers.

And how about the laundry, I don't wear all the clothes, how come I have to do all the laundry. And it's not just because I am retired I do the laundry, I have always done it. If Donkey does laundry he does his own, his excuse, he doesn't want to wreck my clothes. You know all the silk I wear.

My daughter has asked me to make this my posting today, she has two little ones who obviously don't clean or do laundry. Her and my son share a house, and I know my son doesn't like to clean. He is pretty good when he comes here for a visit, but I just think he knows better. And I always find it funny, children that come from really tidy homes don't necessarily have tidy homes, no offense my lovely daughter, but you sure don't clean like your mom. This kind of goes back to yesterday with the fridge, who in their right mind would give something so disgusting to someone else without at least giving it a bit of a wipe. And why did I have to do it, is it because I am the woman or because the man is just too damn lazy to clean.

Yes our men work hard all day and shouldn't have to come home to a messy house or no dinner on the table, face it ladies it isn't as if we do anything all day, right! I know when I worked I actually worked longer hours than my husband and I still came home and cooked and cleaned and did the laundry, yes he made more than double my wage but does that mean I have to work harder because I don't bring as much into the house. Well doesn't that kind of tick you off if you really think about it. I don't make as much money so therefore I have to earn more of my keep around the house. Last I looked I don't have the expensive toys, or have the freedom of the Saturday golf or Friday night hockey, I have to clean house and do some laundry.

I just re-read the above and it made me giggle, wasn't I stupid to work longer hours and get less money, I think I woke up, retirement is great! Oh and I get to have my house the way I like it, even if Donkey doesn't help at least now I have lots of time to keep it the way I want it, and he really is only home and awake for maybe 4 hours each day, so not too bad. I do love my messy Donkey and his annoying habits, and it works for us. But hey don't let your man take advantage of you! If he doesn't want to help out around the house with the cleaning and laundry, just tell him you are going to retire so you have the time to do it and maybe they will work longer hours and your home will stay cleaner longer.

love and hugs

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


As the title says, Disgusting!

Never send a husband to go and pick something up! He didn't even open it! Well there was a science project gone seriously wrong hidden, oh yuck!

Have you guessed anything?

Alright I will tell you my story. My dearest Donkey is wanting to host a pool party this coming weekend; I am fine with it. Get to see lots of friends and family, will be wonderful. Well wouldn't it be great if you went and picked up that fridge your nephew has offered us, I say to him. So yesterday after work he heads over to pick up the fridge, wouldn't you think he would have a look at it. It is suppose to work, and it sure as hell better now. I went to the hardware store as soon as they opened this morning to pick up some serious cleaners, oh and some gloves. I finished cleaning that black molded, green cheesed fridge at 11:30. Thought it was an almond fridge, nope it is actually white, gross! And so help me if it doesn't work, someone I know is going to be perhaps sleeping for eternity in it.

This brings me to a question; would you give someone something that is filthy disgusting? Upon going to pick up said disgusting appliance would you perhaps have a look inside to make sure it is worth the back breaking labor to bring it home??? Have we done something to offend and this is their way of paying us back? Well let me just say, pay backs are a bitch! And let us all say it together; I am a Bitch!, and very good at pay backs!

Said appliance is now sitting in the middle of my garage with the doors open on the fridge and on the garage. I guess I got a little carried away with Mean Mr. Green and the garage is a bit toxic smelling presently. But it sure is clean! Had really wanted to take the power washer to it, I guess that isn't a good idea with appliances. But also the power washer is broken, broken by the same people that were ever so generous to give us the fridge. What is with that???????

Not sure of you read my blog, you will know who you are, and I am not afraid to say, you are disgusting and can't believe you would even offer it to us, should of sent it to the dump not pawned it on to others. And if doesn't work, don't think you aren't going to hear about it, everyone is going to hear about it. Disgusting, you should hang your heads in shame, I would never do something so gross to family, yeah we are family, nice.

That is it for my rambling, it is 5:30, I need to start some supper. Not sure what we are having, I have no sense of smell or taste today, I think I burnt them off with cleaners.

Oh and I did finally get the grass cut, front and back in one day. Was working off some anger! Didn't get the weed eating done, but did get Donkey to finally fix it, feel he should have to do it, he seriously owes me now!!!

Don't forget to look to the moon tonight to see Mars, looked last night but too many clouds, remember we won't see again in this lifetime of ours.

Have a Happy Day!

love and hugs, not to everyone today, and you know who you are!

I can't believe he even brought it home!

Disgusting! I would be embarrassed to actually give to someone, how about giving it a slight cleaning at least. Or, how about throwing out the cheese slices that are green out. I have never seen so much mold, it was everywhere, thank goodness for Mean Mr. Green, which by the way is an excellent cleaner and the one with bleach, amazing.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Well this is late in the day for me! Hope everyone had a nice weekend, it wasn't the greatest weather wise, well unless you are a duck, and good for you being able to read.

I had a different adventure on Saturday for me, I was babysitting. Friends of ours little grandson needed someone to look after him so his Daddy could go golfing with all the men for the day. We had a very nice quiet afternoon, not like my own grandchildren, who are everywhere, this little cutey was very content to just relax in my arms. And his Daddy was able to have a nice day out with the men and bang around some golf balls.

My Donkey informed me on Friday evening that we are hosting a pool party this up and coming weekend, fingers crossed for nice weather. I think he really wants to show off all his hard work outside, which is completely awesome and he deserves to show it off. Will be a fun time with friends and family. And did I tell you my greatest friend is home for the weekend, it has been so long since we have been together. Actually since their wedding last year, so it is an added bonus that she is here this weekend. She is here on conferences all week, and was able to make it a bit longer of a trip. We really only get two days together, but will still be great.

So back to my pool party, the things I have to get done this week before hand, I think I am going to need some extra long days to get everything done that I will want completed before Saturday. And top of the list will be the grass cutting. Never did get it all done last week, Donkey never fixed the weed eater thing, so the outside edges of the yard could probably be bailed up and sold to the local cows for bedding. It is going to be a really big job now this week to get it all down, really think it should be you know who doing it and not me.

Are you noticing the changes in the trees, it is happening, they are changing colors and falling. A beautiful time of year except the end result. You know, snow, winter and the cold. I am already shivering just thinking about the cold. And who do you think is going to get stuck shoveling the white gold this year? Well we shall see about that, and you can laugh at me later when I am complaining about doing it.

Our hot tub room is complete, well no screen, that will be next year, but it is built, the furniture is in place and we had our first beer sitting there yesterday afternoon in the rain. Dry we were, it was wonderful, thanks Donkey for all the hard work. We were going to do the screening this year but I think I will just put up some bamboo blinds for now and see how it goes. Note to self - go and get bamboo blinds this week! Even nice Ikea sheers I think would look nice, Donkey doesn't like that idea, but what does he know and it isn't like he really gets a choice he just does the labor.

I finished my rantings about my Friday to my neighbor when she came over for drinks Friday night, was very nice to get it all off my chest, don't know how she puts up with me sometimes. But three bottles of wine later and no dinner will do that to a girl. Nope I am wrong Donkey did bring home some dinner after hockey, well we still had way too much to drink and we solved all the world's problems yet again. You can thank us later.

So off to the kitchen I go and create something for dinner. It is later in the day for me to be working on my posting but got caught up in some new writing I am doing with my daughter and you really lose track of time.

Have a Happy Day everyone and look forward to seeing lots of my friends and family this weekend. Just hope I can remember most of it!

love and hugs