Friday, October 1, 2010

So sorry!

I can't believe the whole week has passed by and I haven't been here since Monday, and I have no real excuse for not staying in touch.

Week has been really busy it seems, and I don't know what I have accomplished. I did get the grandkids halloween costumes. So cute, a fireman costume for my little master and a very adorable witches/candy corn costume for our little princess. A new Winners opened in Orillia and so far so good, it is a nice store. Nice and tidy at this point.

It is terrible that I am sitting here and drawing a complete blank of what to share with everyone. Donkey is in a hockey tournament this weekend so he is MIA most of the weekend, which is okay, I have some serious reading to catch up on.

Oh and I can tell my big secret now! My sister-in-law has purchased the house next door to us, we are going to be neighbors, I don't what they were thinking but they are wanting to live next door to us. Lots of changes! As long as I keep Donkey working on my house or there is going to be hell to pay, well not really but I like to think it.

I am so sorry I am uninspired tonight. We went out for dinner, well my sister-in-law and I did, was a good meal, as always. For those that know me, I have even been out shopping this week a couple of times, and I so hate shopping. I only shop for food and only because I have to feed Donkey or I am sure he would give me the boot, no he wouldn't, who else could live with him.

Oh and this reminds me , this is a must watch. I swear if I thought Donkey knew how to make this he would of, but obviously someone else knows us really well. Copy and paste to watch.

Well I am off for the night and the weekend. I will try my best for next week. Oh and just in case you are wondering, our basement is still leaking, pump is still running. Donkeys job for Sunday, well if he is able to do something about it.

Have a Happy Weekend!

love and hugs

Monday, September 27, 2010

Well Aren't I Surprised

"We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty." ~Mother Teresa

How was everyone's weekend? Weather wasn't too bad here, cool out. Busy in my little village with the fall fair, lots of traffic, which confuses us small time folks.

Friday night I spent on the phone with my Greatest friend (7 hours), caught up on everything that we couldn't when she was home last, can't wait till she is back in Ontario and I don't care where in Ontario but we will be there!!!!!

Picked up my sister-in-law Saturday night, she is here for a visit for the next bit, no return date as of yet.

And for anyone who really knows me you will be impressed, I made a decision on a light fixture all on my own for the kitchen finally. The gaping hole in my wall will finally have a purpose. If Donkey isn't too busy tonight he will put up for me and the matching one will be here on Wednesday, I know two lights, all by myself, what is the world coming to.

Oh and for those who were concerned the basement is dry, oh yeah, thank goodness for that. Now if mother nature can keep some of the rain in check we will be good. Oh and thanks for all the help with the pool closing it went great! So glad we can depend on our friends who share our little piece of heaven are good enough to come and help out.

Here comes my rant!
Talking to my Greatest friend on Friday some things were revealed to me which I still am having a real hard time to deal with, I don't doubt her for a second, she is a real friend and would never cause me any bad feelings or harm. As far as she is away she is always here for me! Truths were told that I knew deep down and had questioned about and was given reason to believe I was really losing my mind. Well guess what I am not! Myself and Donkey had some real heart to hearts since our pool party about some things that had supposedly happened and we both had no re-call at all of the events that were being told to us. Yes we had too much to drink (that isn't new at one of our parties), but I was accused of something that I just knew and was shocked that I had done. And really knew I wouldn't of done! And really weird was the people that I had supposedly offended have since called and thanked us for a nice night out and look forward to the next. Okay something is not right I say to Donkey and he of course keeps telling me not to worry about it. Would hate to think that I would of been so rude, okay I can be rude, okay a lot of the time I am rude if I don't like you. But hey you will know it! So to think that I would almost attack someone and have to be pulled off of them, seriously, I am a lover not a fighter. I don't like pain and would never put myself into a position with the chance of getting the crap beat out of me. So why would someone you call a friend remind you repeatedly of this and make you feel even worse. Telling you that this is exactly what you did and had to be physically removed by them and not Donkey, which is weird he is always there to defend me and of course remind me when I am misbehaving. Because boy can I misbehave. And I know I am not explaining any of this correctly and it is confusing, but I am thinking that when this person reads my blog today they will know who they are and will maybe think about the lie they told me and ask themselves why and to what end were they expecting of the outcome. I am really confused about this whole event. Why would someone you call a friend be hurtful and not to just me by the way. They also said some things to my Greatest friend and really don't know how they could ever think to hurt her, why would you cause pain to someone who would never hurt you or anyone else and is the most welcoming of people. The same person who welcomed you into our circle of friends when they didn't have any friends of their own and always make sure they are invited and included. I know they know who they are and feel sad that I so misjudged and hey maybe for the best. Yes this is me being a chicken! How do you say to someone whom you thought was a friend that "yeah don't want you around anymore, this is the last lie you will tell me, because I think I have caught you in a few."

Once upon a time I did a take of my family and friends and really pulled away from those that I just didn't think were who they claimed to be, and it is time again. I have people in my life that I would give my life for! No questions asked! These people know how much they mean to me and I don't have to tell them all the time, even though I really should. These people don't question our relationship or the relationships we have with others, we don't need too. I am not a jealous person, would never accuse someone of a terrible act, I would confront them and ask why or what. I won't tell tales behind your back and really won't tell tales to your face. If I have a problem with anyone you will know it, because I will tell you. And if I am wrong in my actions I will apologize to who I offended. I like to confront all those involved when tales are told and prefer to have you in the same room, no he said she said. And for all my friends and family that have stood beside me or behind me you know this and would never question my loyalty to you or accuse me of something that would hurt me or you. We all make mistakes in this life that we travel but it is wrong to hurt people on that road. And I ask myself why anyone would hurt someone on purpose that they say you love.

In closing, I know I will have to confront this person and listen to more of the tale, well if you are reading this and think this is you and still want to be my friend, I would strongly recommend that you don't bring it up! We will end our fragile friendship and go our separate ways and really too bad, because we did call you a friend, but I guess friendship means different things to different people. We will miss you!

I am emotionally done now!

For all my friends Have a Happy Day!

love and hugs