Well we all could of predicted it, the damn fridge doesn't work! It sure is clean! So what would you do with it? We are now stuck with a fridge that is taking up space in our garage that we do like to park our little car in and we can't. Would you take it back? That is what I want to do with it! Was it out of the goodness of their hearts that they gave it to us? Well sure it was, but under the circumstances, that one it was disgusting and two it doesn't work. I feel we should load it up and take it back. Donkey doesn't agree, well when he is complaining about it in his way and his little car is out in the weather we shall see.
Here is a cute funny for you all. This morning we were having hydro issues, kind of normal around here, we don't really pay a whole lot of attention, it comes back on eventually. But then the internet went out and for us that also means our phone system is down. Okay I have my cell phone, sure it won't be long they must be digging somewhere. Well good old hydro I guess was doing some work somewhere here in town and finished up the job they were doing only to forget to put the boom thing down and upon driving away they pulled down all the wires, that they had just replaces, and also all the cable and internet lines, too funny. I wonder who has to pay for that? Looks like hydro is going to go up again.
So back to our fridge dilemma, Donkey is going and buying a fridge this afternoon before he heads home. Kinda think he is maybe feeling bad for me and all the time and effort I put into this piece of crap and is going to break down and get me a nice new clean one. Everyone raise your arms in a cheer, I know I am.
Today didn't really get anything done, with no internet for part of the day and bad disposition for pretty much most of the day, all I have to show for my angry day is a chicken in the crock pot, that smells wonderful, and some unfinished laundry, that when I am done here I shall go and finish. So really a nothing day and really nothing else to share today. It will be an evening of too much wine I am sure and maybe sometime in the hot tub. Can you get over how cold it is out there today! Going to have to change into some pants and socks if this keeps up. It is suppose to get nice and warm for the weekend, can't wait for the heat to come back, and for our pool party. And did I tell you my greatest friend is going to be here, sure I did earlier in the week. Have spent most of today getting pictures burnt off of the computers for her to take home with her. She is going to be surprised, well she won't now will she if she reads this, oh well.
Have a Happy Day everyone. And don't take fridges from family until you look in them and make sure they are working, I am talking I want to see the ice please.
And Happy Birthday Marty! Hope to see you this weekend!
love and hugs
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