Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Laundry & Housework

Who should be doing the laundry and the housework around your house? I guess if you live alone then the answer is very simple, you are. What if there is others in your house, should they be participating? Do they wear clothes? How about making a mess around the house, or they just don't do that.

I have always done the laundry and the housework around my home, mainly because no one knows how to do it the way I like it done. My sister-in-law always teases me when she is here for a visit about the way I fold laundry, especially my towels. And I am fine if you can't do it my way then please don't do it at all.

My Donkey is responsible for his garage space, and of course it is always my fault when it is a mess. He is so disorganized when he is doing anything, even the smallest of projects he makes a mess, and kind of looks to others to clean it up. Even his office is a mess, and there is no one to clean that up for him, it is his private mess. And I am sure every once in awhile he must clean house, I can just imagine his drawers.

And how about the laundry, I don't wear all the clothes, how come I have to do all the laundry. And it's not just because I am retired I do the laundry, I have always done it. If Donkey does laundry he does his own, his excuse, he doesn't want to wreck my clothes. You know all the silk I wear.

My daughter has asked me to make this my posting today, she has two little ones who obviously don't clean or do laundry. Her and my son share a house, and I know my son doesn't like to clean. He is pretty good when he comes here for a visit, but I just think he knows better. And I always find it funny, children that come from really tidy homes don't necessarily have tidy homes, no offense my lovely daughter, but you sure don't clean like your mom. This kind of goes back to yesterday with the fridge, who in their right mind would give something so disgusting to someone else without at least giving it a bit of a wipe. And why did I have to do it, is it because I am the woman or because the man is just too damn lazy to clean.

Yes our men work hard all day and shouldn't have to come home to a messy house or no dinner on the table, face it ladies it isn't as if we do anything all day, right! I know when I worked I actually worked longer hours than my husband and I still came home and cooked and cleaned and did the laundry, yes he made more than double my wage but does that mean I have to work harder because I don't bring as much into the house. Well doesn't that kind of tick you off if you really think about it. I don't make as much money so therefore I have to earn more of my keep around the house. Last I looked I don't have the expensive toys, or have the freedom of the Saturday golf or Friday night hockey, I have to clean house and do some laundry.

I just re-read the above and it made me giggle, wasn't I stupid to work longer hours and get less money, I think I woke up, retirement is great! Oh and I get to have my house the way I like it, even if Donkey doesn't help at least now I have lots of time to keep it the way I want it, and he really is only home and awake for maybe 4 hours each day, so not too bad. I do love my messy Donkey and his annoying habits, and it works for us. But hey don't let your man take advantage of you! If he doesn't want to help out around the house with the cleaning and laundry, just tell him you are going to retire so you have the time to do it and maybe they will work longer hours and your home will stay cleaner longer.

love and hugs

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