It is that time of year again! Hockey! Donkey is off to his first hockey meeting to start off the hockey season again. Hard to believe that last week we were in the pool and this week we are talking about hockey and ice. I am not a fan of Saturday night hockey, the Canadian Game, could honestly care less. Hockey takes over my home during the season and I end up reading a lot of books over the winter. Nothing wrong with that love reading a good book.
One of my beefs about hockey is all the time that it takes up in our personal lives. Donkey plays no less that twice a week, three if he is lucky, and for anyone who calls looking for a goal tender. We could be having a nice quiet evening and the phone rings and off he goes to yet another hockey game. And the television, well that is all we watch. Not that I am a big television fan, but really don't want to watch hockey every night of the week.
And how about the salaries those guys playing the Canadian Game, how obscene is that. We have people homeless, starving, maybe needing medical attention and we have them living on the streets, but lets pay some hockey celebrity millions of dollars to play a game. What about putting some of those crazy salaries towards something worth while, maybe cancer research, there is an idea that I could support. But nope they are worth the money they are being paid, after all they are playing the Canadian Game or is it past-time. Anyways still not a fan.
Don't get me wrong have been to games, seen the Toronto Maple Leafs a couple of times now. Pretty sure I could find something way better to do with my time than sit through that again. Over-priced admissions, over-priced drinks, (seriously you are charging me how much for that thimble of wine) and how about the parking. You would think a league that makes that kind of money, not the players, the league, could supply a decent amount of parking that you aren't getting ripped for ex amounts of dollars to park. And oh my don't have anything to eat, you might need to get a loan to buy some popcorn, that by the way is stale.
I could go on and on about my dislike of hockey. I don't go to Donkey's games anymore, he is embarrassed when I take a book to read. What does he expect, I hate the game, why watch it? Who willing wants to go and watch for an hour a half, in the cold, something that I would rather read or sleep through. Sorry Donkey, can't support this one!
That is my rant for today, really only because I have been home all day, lonely and he has gone off to sit with a bunch of guys, drink beer and talk about this season's hockey schedule. How about some emails to communicate with guys and stay at home until the real season starts. Any excuse to get out of the house these men have.
Sorry I am late today with my post, enjoy the rest of the cold, wet evening.
love and hugs
You can come hang out here in the hot sun :) Not a word about hockey!!! I PROMISE!