Okay I have a new complaint people. And you can laugh at me if you want, but I want you to think about it and I am sure you will agree.
It is great that dog owners get out there and walk their dogs, however many times a day. Good exercise for them and the dog. And of course it is the law to poop and scoop, as well it should be, I don't shit in their yards. But this brings me to a problem that has been bugging me for a very long time.
We have an old dog, who drives us insane on the best of days, who I love anyways. But he doesn't like to be out of his back yard domain. Therefore his poop is in his yard and that is where I have to scoop. But it brings me to my problem. Because my dog doesn't leave his yard, why do I have to deal with trillions of dogs going by daily that pee all over my front trees and gardens. In my dogs yard I have to deal with the death of plants that he perhaps has been a little over zealous on, and I take care of replacing plants and grass growth. I can't very well replace a hundred year old tree that smells like piss, now can I. And of course every dog that goes by also feels the need to relieve themselves because the dog before him has.
So a couple of years ago, Donkey and I decided to plant flowers at the base of two of our front trees, one tree never did work out and we gave up. The other tree this year we have finally had some blooms come up. But only on one side? Weird? Not when you are getting pissed on a trillion times a day it isn't. This also now explains why for 16 years I have never been able to get grass to grow properly at the sidewalk of our house, and this is after repeatedly planting seed, and I am talking a couple of times a year we are putting new seed down.
What should we do? Well Donkey won't let me yell at people any more, says it embarrasses him. Me don't really care if they are offended and think I am crazy. If you know me, you know I am crazy in so many ways. So I mentioned to Donkey that I was going to put up signs asking dog owners to stop letting their dogs piss on my trees, grass and my flower bed that is drowning in pee. He doesn't like that idea either. But I ask you, why not??? I maintain the yard, I plant the new grass seed, trying to keep a nice street appeal. Why can't people contain their peeing dogs to their yards and let them kill their plant life. Does this sound silly?
I guess because I am retired now and spend a lot of time in the yard I see more and have been paying attention to the dog walkers and the dog habits. I at least now know that it isn't anything we have been doing wrong with the grass and gardens that has caused them to look like crap and smell like pee. You figure if you have three trees, that are old, they have been abused with a lot of pee over the years, and this is funny but if you have a smell you are going to smell pee.
Cats get chased off of peoples property for doing the exact same thing that dog owners and walkers let happen, and the dogs are on a leash, completely controlled. Cats wander and do their thing wherever they want. And you talk to any dog owner and they will complain about the damn neighborhood cats and how they shouldn't be aloud to do their business in their yards. Hello this is my complaint too about your damn dog!!!!
Onto a very different topic. Donkey and I were invited to some old friends for dinner on Saturday night, friends that we are unsure exactly how we lost contact with for so long. Did we ever have a great visit, a lovely dinner, and a very wonderful evening. Can't wait for the next time they can tolerate our company. I wasn't able to sample the home-made peach pie, but Donkey said it was delicious, I had the lemon cake, heavenly. And here is me, take two bottles of wine, one for sharing and one for a gift, and didn't I drink them both, surprised? liars! But again just want to say what a great evening we had. Would of been in trouble if I didn't mention! :)
Have a Happy Day everyone and I shall rant at you tomorrow.
love and hugs
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