Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Again - Happy Long Weekend

The following was in my in-box this morning and really had to share with all of you. I won't apologize for anything it says, I agree with it all.

I likely will be charged for sending you this email, since it would seem, I, as well as the regular taxpaying Canadian have no rights; criminals have rights, immigrants have rights, First Nations have rights, and the list goes on and on, while we the tax payer pay for these people’s education, welfare, lawyer fees, all without us being able to say one word. What exactly do we owe these people that we do not deserve ourselves? Why is our government, who supposedly represent us, find this to be fair? I know, for VOTES, but perhaps you should start thinking of our votes. We get these emails and forward them to others being very careful not to send them to someone who may be offended. WE ARE OFFENDED! Do you really believe we just accept this without comment, almost every conversation we have with others, up pops up this subject , we just don’t do anything about it. BUT BE ASSURED WE DO NOT LIKE IT, ACCEPT IT AND DEFINITELY DO NOT AGREE WITH IT. I will even go so far as commenting on the money we provide for First Nations people, yes we owed them for stealing their lands, etc; but did we not do the exact same thing to Acadians, I don’t remember paying them off. I think it is time First Nations people start joining the rest of Canada, contribute to the Canadian economy and pay taxes.

My great grandfather watched as his friends died in WW1, my father watched as his friends died in WW II, and I watched as my friends died in Afghanistan.

None of them died for a Foreign Flag.
Everyone died for the Canadian flag.
We removed Christian prayer from our schools as it might offend a minority of students not of the Christian faith.
It is politically incorrect for Public and Civil Servants to wear anything of a religious nature while serving the public, despite the fact that civil servants are allowed to wear turbans on the job as public or Civil servants. Why? – Because it is against their religion not to wear it.
In fact, our Prime Minister forbade the use of any Christian reference when a memorial service was held on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean near Halifax. The memorial was in remembrance of the 229 people that lost their lives in the
September 2, 1998 Swiss Air Flight 111 that crashed. Almost all of the crash victims were Christian.
We have removed any reference to Christianity in our Courts of Law, despite the fact that our laws are based on Christian principles and values.
Bike laws in almost all Canadian Jurisdictions require bike riders to wear safety helmets. You guessed it. – people who are required to wear turbans are exempt because a helmet is not designed to be worn over a turban.
Some ten years ago a Commission was assembled in Ontario (lobbied for by Muslims) to investigate the practicality of allowing Canadians of the Muslim faith to practice Sharia law. The Commission head (a former Attorney General in the Bob Rae NDP Government) presented the Commission findings to the succeeding Provincial Government to allow limited use of Sharia Law for Canadians of the Muslim faith. The recommendation was rejected. – It should never have gone that far and in fact the issue should never have reached a discussion stage, let alone the formation of a commission.
It is politically incorrect to wish our fellow Canadians Merry Christmas.
And the list goes on and on.
Enough is enough.
The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every Canadian; and every Canadian needs to stand up for Canada.
We've bent over to appease the new Canadian immigrants long enough.
I'm taking a stand.
I'm standing up because the tens of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the Canadian flag can't stand up.
If you agree, stand up with me.
If you disagree, then just delete it.
And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.

A Map Of My Country:

Let me make this perfectly clear!



And, because I make This statement


Mean I'm against immigration!!!

Welcome! To come through legally:

1. Get a sponsor!
2. Get a place to lay your head!
3. Get a job!
4. Live By OUR Rules!
5. Pay YOUR Taxes!

6. Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants
have in the past!!!
7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime
savings of Social Security Funds to you.

If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone,
When will Canadians STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS???
We've gone so far the other way...
bent over backwards not to offend anyone.
But it seems no one cares about the
Canadian CITIZEN
that's being offended!

WAKE UP Canada !!!

If You agree.... Pass this on.

If You don't agree.. Delete It !!!



Have a great long weekend everyone, and be Happy you are Canadian each and every day.

love and hugs

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