I woke up this morning thinking it would be a good day to get lots done in-doors, it is suppose to be raining all day. Well we did have rain over night, but none today, why can't they get it right? Isn't this their job to predict the weather and report it to us, those that can't predict the weather. And if you think about it, don't think too hard, why can't they get it right. Always get a laugh when we watch the 6 o'clock and good old Bob gives his prediction and you wake up and it is wrong. The man half the time can't tell what the pictures the kiddies send to him are how the hell is going to be able to figure out the weather.
I think I am complaining about the weather today because I haven't been outside yet today and it looks like it is a nice day and I really should of cut the grass. Didn't cut the grass because it said it is suppose to rain and don't want to get part way through and can't finish. I say this now and it is almost 3 in the afternoon and could of cut the damn grass a few times over. Oh well tomorrow is another day.
Now for those of you who are currently not sitting down you really should, because this is going to knock you on your butt, and I don't want anyone to hit their heads. Donkey put all the trash out to the side of the road for pick-up, even the recycle. I told you to sit down, now didn't I. He never takes out the trash, I can't even get him to take it from the kitchen to the can. So today is a mark on the calendar day. I don't mean to pick on my Donkey, he does work very hard around here, has pretty much re-built our entire house and has done an amazing job, but his domestic skills, yeah not so much. We used to have this deal; inside is me and outside is his, mmmmmmmm, something has gone seriously wrong with this.? Oh well I do do a better job on the grass than he does.
Last night my daughter, boyfriend and the kidlets came for a swim and dinner, was so nice. Just us for once, that doesn't happen too often around here, not that we don't like company, just nice to have a visit uninterrupted once in awhile. My big boy grandson is doing so great in the pool this season, becoming very brave, great to see his comfort level is getting there. Little sister she actually has had some set-backs, she isn't as comfortable as she was at the beginning of summer. And she has this really bad habit of pooing everytime she is in the pool, thank goodness for little swimmers, what did we use to do? I guess we scooped, yuck! But was a nice visit. Did some lovely steaks and basil potatoes with just a tossed salad but was good. Oh and hot dogs, don't forget the hot dogs, that is all my grandson will eat when he is here, the little bum. Oh and they brought these strawberry tart eclair things, wow! So good!
Anyone have any great plans for the last long weekend of the summer. Can you believe it is coming to a close. Such a wonderful summer, this one must go down in the record books for one of the better summers in such a long time. Can't remember such a nice hot summer. We have dinner at friends on Saturday, golf for Donkey on Sunday and I think he is starting our garage roof somewhere in there too. I don't think he has seen the rain predicted or he is thinking they are going to be wrong again. Fingers crossed it doesn't rain for the long weekend, it should only rain during the week and mainly at night, that would be perfect.
Well another day is gone, and I should finish my link building for the day, so with that kids, have a Happy Day!
love and hugs
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