Monday, August 9, 2010

Let's Get Back To Normal

Company is gone, :( and now it is time to get back to not being on holidays. Not that I was really on holidays, but when you have company who are you want to be part of the experience. And who doesn't like holidays? Took our company back to Toronto yesterday afternoon in the rain and humidity, I guess if your holidays have to end they should end in rain.

This morning I woke up as per usual with my old dog and Donkey on his way to work. Then it was time to get house back to normal, well as normal as we can be anyways. I have house issues and I know this but I can't help it. Things belong somewhere and that is where I want them to be and to stay. Drives Donkey nuts I am sure, but he is patient, me not so much. So puttering I went, and pretty much got things to where I want them, well for now anyways, that is another issue of mine, I like to re-arrange furniture, a lot. And that is what I might do this afternoon, will see.

But I think they had a good visit, weather was good for them on the most part, and they were able to see the family that they like to see. And thank goodness that those that they don't didn't show up. Is that mean? Well the old saying works for me, you can pick your friends but not your family. Most of the family I would rather not know and sometimes that includes mine too. :) But really I do already miss them, we travel together at least once a year and they come home when they can, and always great to see them and hang-out. We will get together again at Christmas in Florida, can't wait, and no I am not going to figure out how long that is, depresses me to think about winter and snow and cold. Yuck to winter!!!!!!!

Okay I have to stop thinking about the above, not going to say again until it is here.

So back to normal we will go, and diet! Yep you heard me, Donkey and I are going to seriously look at loosing some weight. And by loosing I mean I don't want to find it again, I want it gone. We ate like we were on holidays, too much and too good. Now it is back to reality, weiner water soup and lots of walks. I don't exercise but I will go for a walk. And we are not walking to get an ice cream this time around, really doesn't work when you are trying to loose some weight. I don't think either of us has been this big in a very long time and speaking for myself, it is bad and not happy about the person who is looking at me in the mirror. So wish us luck! Any ideas we will appreciate the support. Oh and I can't forget I am still going to drink my wine, grapes are good for you so I don't want to give it up. I said weight lose not detox.:)

On that note today will be Day One! And Donkey already ate part of what I was creating for dinner. Back to the drawing board. Too hot to think about dinner yet, will think later, after a few glasses of grapes.

This week is suppose to be another hot one, we are just having a great summer for a change, the bit of rain we have been having doesn't even bother me. It is keeping the grass green and my plants looking great. We had so much rain yesterday I had to pump off the pool, and now today everything looks so happy and full. Not really any sun out, but it sure is hot and humid. Some of Donkey's guys are working at the school, poor buggers, feel bad for them having to work in this heat. But they chose to be roofers and not work for the government. Yeah I don't where that came from, but wouldn't it be nice if we all could work for the government, make tons of money and really not do anything. And I am not talking about unemployment or welfare. Speaking of unemployment; suppose to get a decision this Thursday one way or the other. Will let you know, I am curious of the decision, and the reasoning behind it if they get one. Really don't think I will qualify and that is fine but would be nice to get some of the money I have paid into it back.

I am rambling aren't I?

So on that note I think I will go and move some furniture. Donkey lost his favorite chain a couple of weeks ago, so I will see if I can find it by moving things around a bit. Have a good day everyone and talk to you tomorrow.

love and hugs

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