I am sitting today in my over air-conditioned home, thinking about going for a swim in my 80 degree pool watching the guys working, literally their guts out. My oldest son has been working there most of the week and I have been fortunate that he comes and has a visit and some lunch with his Mommy and of course I love it. I feel needed when I have to make something for someone. Anyways I sent him back to his crew with popsicles, feeling terrible for all of them having to work in this heat. The boss today is lying on the concrete in the shade, suffering from sun stroke waiting on a relief crew to come and let him go home.
I know we all hate our jobs, well those that have them, but think of the guys and gals working outside on a day like today in this heat. Maybe you have some working in your neighborhood, how about taking them something to help them cool off; even if it is just a glass of ice water. I am sure they will appreciate it.
Okay that is my good deed for today! Now on to my ranting!
Remember a few posts back, probably quiet a few, waiting on a decision from the government regarding unemployment that they told me I wouldn't be getting but then said to apply and do my bi-weekly thing. Today is the 13th, Friday the 13th (scary) and decision was to have been made on the 12th, well surprise they haven't. I didn't expect that they would, but don't give a date and then change your mind. And they of course don't say anything else in regards to the change of date, well actually there is no new date, just that a decision hasn't been made. So still waiting on my money that I had to pay off my pay every other week whether I wanted to or not, because we don't have a choice in that regards. I wonder how much interest accumulates over a persons lifetime of the monies we have paid into unemployment. Where is that, and where does it go?
Today I have to get outside at some point and cut the grass, should of done first thing this morning before the heat took over. I did get some of my plants that are done for the summer cut back and cleaned up, but still have the grass to tackle. I think that will be a later today thing, possibly in my swim suit and a cold beer in hand.
Oh! and the diet plan, yeah who am I kidding, Donkey and I just can't do it!!!! We are fat people and we eat like fat people, no offense to fat people. We enjoy our food, love our cold beer and what the hell throw in some chocolate and we are happy. Will-power I have, I actually have lots if I want, but when it comes to saying No, just isn't gonna happen I guess. So back to my original idea of dieting. Duck tape across our mouths and we starve till we have lost the weight. :) Exercise I hear works pretty good, nope don't think I can do that either, sorry. Anyone who knows me, knows I am lazy. If there is an easy way to do something I will find it and exceed at making it look like I am working hard. So I think the diet is currently out the window, until I have to wear a moomoo, I will be happy with who I have grown into. I will try not to grow too much more! Just keep telling ourselves that.
We have nothing planned for the weekend. Donkey is golfing Saturday, and I will probably be here at the computer linking away. It is a hard job but someone has to put all those annoying links in your web pages they don't just fall out of cyber space and land there all on their own.
Oh a tidbit of Donkey knowledge. (stop laughing) On the 23, 24, 25 and 26th you will be able to look up to the moon and see a red star; that red start is the planet Mars. How cool is that, it can be seen with the naked eye but if you have a telescope you will have a better view. This won't be seen again for 81,000 years. Keep your eyes to the moon over those nights have a look at our future intended planet earth (not really but it is in the movies).
Some advertising now, by me for me: Upright antique piano, dated back to the late 1800's free to anyone who can get it out of my house, I have need of the space. Comment here or email me, please! It has to go! Does need tuning, but it is a beautiful antique piece quite lovely but I just don't have the room for it anymore. Took four men and one bitch to get it into my house so be prepared if interested, we will not deliver or possibly help with the removal.
That is it for the week my followers, I have to finish up around here for the day and get my butt motivated outside to the pool, yes I will cut the damn grass before Donkey gets home.
love and hugs to you all and have a Great Weekend!!
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