Thursday, December 9, 2010
So sorry to hear all of you that have been dumped on recently with so much snow! No I'm not, you keep it! But could live without all this cold, it is snappy out there today!
I am ready for Christmas, cards are sent, gifts are wrapped and I am ready to go. One more week, will be thinking of you all left behind in the snow and cold. Well I haven't packed, will do that this weekend probably, then I have lots of time to unpack and re-pack, that is what I do.
Was able to get Donkeys sound system all set-up finally, didn't realize how much we missed good quality sound when watching television. I think we have been spoiled in the past and just couldn't go any longer, you can't blame us with all the amazing deals going on with electronics this holiday shopping season.
My daughter and I went out to finish Christmas shopping yesterday, busy busy, and people are so grumpy. I think I say this every year regarding how miserable people are during the holidays, they would run you over in a heart beat for a parking spot, crazy. Always joke about the date being changed for Christmas, really people it is the same date every year, plan ahead!
New for us this year is Donkey and I not going out on one day and doing all the shopping together, he has lucked out this year, he won't know what everyone is receiving either this year, where all his hard earned money has gone. That will teach him for playing too much hockey! I am kidding, I don't mind the hockey playing, I get peace and quiet and keep my house tidy.
My daughter's American boyfriend had a terrible winter driving experience yesterday during the storm in Barrie, we told him not to go to the city. Today they are getting snow tires and a winter maintenance done on his poor southern car.
And with the bad driving conditions, my oldest son and his new car were unfortunate and his beautiful new car is in for body repairs, thank goodness he wasn't hurt, but I bet shook-up and pissed off. Why can't other drives share the road and be respectful of each others space, slow down people, you will get there.
I am so glad I am not doing the winter drive this year, I go days without leaving my peaceful little village and don't mind one bit, this is what retirement is meant to be, stay at home warm and cozy and watch the snow fall. Oh and go south at first chance! Did I tell you - one more week!!! Sorry am I rubbing it in? Yes, yes I am!
I have to go and get my little grand daughter today from nursery school, going to be a cold walk, thank goodness it is only up the road. And I would like to add that since Grama Bootcamp, they are doing great, things did stick. Kids were over for dessert last night, and really can see a change, the little cuties.
Sitting here listening to Christmas music and watching the little munch-kin eat her purple sandwich, don't ask.
Should really go and finish some laundry and then settle in with my book and a nice hot chocolate, with that I am off.
Happy a Happy Day
love and hugs
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I Have An Excuse
Wow all this snow, okay we don't have much, but some have a whole winters worth already. By the way, keep it! My little village seems to be missing the storms going around us, and that is just fine.
They are all moved! Last of the stuff is out of my house and into theirs, my house is nice and quiet again. Maybe too quiet because we do miss them, but not too far to go and visit now.
Won't be long now and we are off on holidays, please be hot! Taking computer with me, not all of us get time off for good behavior some of us have to work a bit. Not all fun and games in Florida, but if I am a good girl and work hard I am going to see a lot of Disney.
I think I am probably repeating myself lately but too bad, I am sick and my head is full of whatever this nasty stuff is that keeps leaking out of my face. That is gross, sorry, but this is what is happening to me.
Really don't have anything else going on, been in bed for a couple of days, today is first day back to the computer and really hasn't been a very productive day either. Snow is falling and it is very cold. Went and got gas for the snow blower, which I don't use, so Donkey can blow the drive instead of shoveling. I would rather shovel, but with this head cold of mine I would probably freeze my face off, again because of the stuff leaking out.
Going to leave you with that picture, have a Happy Day!
love and hugs
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Almost Done!
Anyone else upset about the amount of snow falling today?! Makes me cold just looking at that nasty white stuff. All of you that love it, please come and get it off my yard!
Was cooking away today in my not too old crock pot, browning some meatballs, because it has the feature that you can use it on a burner or in the oven, pretty awesome, and it exploded across my kitchen. Scared the crap out of me, I actually had thought it was my glass top on the stove exploding. Only just bought it this past year from my old work. Which I called and they are so awesome said no problem to return. But thought I will call the company who makes first, of course it is made in China, shocked not really. And they tell me they will get back to me in 1 to 2 business days, what? I can't just get an answer right now? Nope, they have to get back to me, whatever. So I will just drive it into town and get my money back and purchase a different brand.
So yeah the kids are moving into their own place, so happy for them all, will be good for them to have their own place. Their own cute little bedrooms, really a nice little house for them. And right to Grama and Papa, so we are always there for them, which is really super important to us both to be a part of their upbringing. I love being a Grama, wish I had of done it first. I know that isn't possible but I can dream. My daughter and her boyfriend are doing a good job of getting things all set-up and looking really nice. Lots of work of course to get organized but it is a good opportunity for them all. Can't wait for the little master to come in the mornings to get me for the walk to school.
My Donkey is away all weekend at a hockey tournament up north, he is excited, actually I am too, I have some movie watching I really want to do and some much needed alone time coming to me.
Oh and I almost forgot. So as you know kids are moving next door and we got possession of the house yesterday. And the young couple that lived there we considered great neighbours and were always friendly with. So instead of having to run around and get keys from lawyers we all agreed that they would bring us the keys and save us all the drive, awesome. So he brings me the keys at around 3, okay not too bad, thought you were suppose to at 10 but that is okay. Informs us that his wife and sister are just going to do some cleaning and they will be off. Perfect, great that they are going to clean. Yeah right! So 7:30, they finally are leaving, were suppose to tell us that they were, didn't, and we watch them take out baskets of clothes, what! Yeah they are over there doing laundry, and on my daughter's hydro at this point, rude! Finally in we go to check everything out. They have put junk at the end of the drive for garbage, knowing full well that our garbage people won't take that, leave crap upstairs in the attic, guess they didn't want and didn't inform us they were doing that. Clean, yeah no! Fridge/freezer is filthy, there is a slick of grease down the side of the wall from the stove, disgusting. Kitchen floor is so dirty honestly not sure what colour it is suppose to be. I think this is absolutely terrible of a couple that we thought would never do something like this, thought they were nice people, again I guess we are wrong. So what were these two women doing in the house for 4 hours? I am thinking avoiding the work at the house they are moving into personally because they sure as hell didn't do any cleaning in the one they just left. The fridge door handle is so dirty it is gray not white, oh and the oven, doesn't look like it has ever been cleaned since purchasing, and they cooked in that, yuck!
But on a happy note, they are sleeping in their new place tonight and I get mine back!
And really that is all I have got for today, but that is what twice this week, good for me.
Have a Happy Day everyone!
love and hugs
Monday, November 29, 2010
Are you shocked?
My daughter and I were out this morning and everywhere you look it is Christmas! How come the seasons seem to be getting closer and closer together. Now I do realize that the Americans just had their big Thanksgiving Day celebration, which I understand is huge in the States, but I feel like one season just quickly slips into the other. I have to rush to get down one set of decorations to get up the next ones. Nope I am kidding, we aren't putting up Christmas decorations this year. With the timing of holidays and our return there really isn't any point of decorating. We did last year and it was a lot of work for us to not actually be at home to enjoy, so why bother. Call me scrooge if you must but I am not doing it.
The grandkids and their mom move on Wednesday! My daughter's boyfriend arrived today to help with the big move, we get the keys on Wednesday and they can begin the process of their new home. And I get mine back to myself, well Donkey will still be here but he follows the routine pretty good. He should after all these years. Fingers crossed things will get back to the way they were around here, I don't know what I was thinking, volunteering for this this time around. Someone kick me please. And if I do it again please just kill me.
Everyone is out for the evening, having a nice quiet time, well until Donkey gets home that is. Have to cook dinner for him I guess. But he really is easy to please in the kitchen as far as food goes and for those that know me that is a good thing, I hate cooking. And I am not very good at it either, that is what take-out is for if you ask me. Would much rather eat out everyday than try and figure out what to make and then clean up and all the nonsense that goes with a meal at home.
Have got a good head start on Christmas shopping this year, which really isn't like us at all. We are those people who go out the last possible minute and do it all at once. Come home wrap it, put it under the tree and that is that. With the way are this year I have been doing a bit here and there, nothing is wrapped, and of course there is no tree to go under, but feel we are ahead of it. Have parcels to ship that are just waiting to go to the post, and this weekend I am getting all the Christmas cards ready to post. Love doing cards! I send and receive cards to friends and family that I haven't seen in almost twenty years. It seems to be the one and only time we catch-up with what is happening in our worlds, and when friends have stopped sending they are sadly missed.
So really not a lot going on here on a Monday afternoon, just waiting on Donkey to get home, have some dinner, he will watch some tv and I will read and then bed. With the days getting shorter, well they actually aren't just the daylight is, it seems the days go by really quickly and before you know it it is time for bed. And I do love my bed! Get all snuggled into my nice blankets for winter cold, wish I could just hibernate and wake up when it is warm again and skip winter all together. Not the holiday part, you can wake me for that!
Well my friends that is that for a Monday, hope you have all had a happy day, and I might shock you and post again tomorrow.
love and hugs
Friday, November 26, 2010
Where have you been?
Retirement life is busy I tell you.
With having the grandkids and daughter here, there really isn't enough hours in the day. Today I said I would put something up here, just so you know I am still alive and not ignoring you. I am avoiding is more like it.
Snowing here, can you all say "Yuck!"
Christmas is less than a month away! Another "Yuck!"
But holidays are very fast approaching, everyone say "Yay!"
And we are going to Disney, that's right you heard me, compliments of my daughter and her boyfriend, we are going to Disney for 7 days, poor Donkey. We already have our Mickey ears, and looking forward to wearing them for those 7 days, pictures for sure to follow. Well again if I can remember how I did that.
I love holidays and love the heat, can't wait to get away for a well deserved rest. Taking our time this time around on the drive and do a bit more of the sites I think is the plan. We will stretch our 2 day travel to maybe 3 or 4, no rush this year we have 3 weeks of holidays coming, luckey Donkey, and he deserves it. Remember he does live with me, so he really deserves it.
Daughter and the kids move this coming week, I think my little dog is looking forward to having peace and quiet again. Only see my cat at night, well we see her, she is just a blur of fur. They have been traumatized to say the least. Oh and to sleep past 5, can't wait for that first morning. I maybe won't have to go to bed by 9 for a change, okay I probably will, but only because I like to sleep.
Have heard from a few of you regarding my lack of posts, and I do apologize and I am not going to make false promises to you, I do try, just not hard enough I guess, but that is retirement for you. Would think with winter upon us and the cold, I would have even more free time, well that just hasn't happened. Probably because I am going to be bed at 9.
So is anyone making headway with Christmas shopping? I have actually started a bit, and really we are doing the bulk when away, save the taxes. Just hate what Christmas represents now a days to the kids, they just want more and more. Remember the day you were very happy to get that one special toy, and the rest was maybe clothes and things for school. Not anymore! Everywhere you turn there is toys and advertisements for toys and I want this and I want that. Donkey and I have been discussing in detail this year that we are just not going to do it. A couple of those asked for toys and that is it. Children are just missing the point of the meaning of Christmas now a days and it really is just too bad.
I really haven't much more to add today, Donkey is working in the basement this weekend, we broke down and bought a sump pump, yes there is still a flow of water in my basement. So he is going to be busy, anyone want to help?!
They say 20 to 30 centimeters of snow coming our way, so maybe grama is going to get herself a snowman on the front yard, can't wait. Have new coat and boots to participate in that activity. And some hot chocolate and baileys for after I have frozen off my ass in the snow.
Did I tell you they are moving in a week. Kidding, has been fun having the kids here, well when they are asleep. Such angels when they are sleeping. I remember mine sleeping, and they were angels too.
Off I go, it is pizza night, and somebody has to call.
Have a good weekend everyone, I will try to post next week more than once, fingers crossed. With my fingers crossed though I can't type so I guess that won't work.
love and hugs
Thursday, November 11, 2010
If you care to offer the smallest token of recognition and appreciation for The Military, please pass this on and pray for our men and women who have Served and are currently serving our country and pray for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Here will try again!
There is white crap falling from the sky today, has been since about 7 this morning, it can knock it off now. Not pretty, not nice to be in, and really too damn cold for this wanna-be live in Hawaii person.
So where have I been, you might be asking!? Have been here but been busy. My daughter and the grandkids are staying with us for the month, until they move into their new place, right here in my little village, will never be the same again. No I am kidding, love having the kids here, well not when they are being demonic, which seems to be a bit more and more for one of them. They are at grama bootcamp presently - meaning I will whip their nasty little asses into shape. Their mommy is going away for a bit and I am the boss, we shall see how this goes, I know one little princess that isn't going to like it. This morning Papa (Donkey) got to see her at her worse, he was shocked to say the least, ended up going to work a bit early, wish he had of taken me with him.
The next time you see me, I am sure I will be bald - will have pulled all my hair out!
The little master is enrolled in school, right across the road, seems to be liking it, at least he wants to go everyday, so that is a good thing. And little miss princess has been going to nursery school, would love to say it is doing her good - but it isn't - she seems to get worse by the day. Really doesn't get the concept of listening, asked this morning if possibly I am speaking in a language she just doesn't understand. Her mom takes way too much of the mouth from the two of them, and I am forever telling her "they are 4 and 3, you are the one in charge not them".
Right now it is nice and quiet, one in school and one in bed, it is heavenly. I shouldn't speak too quickly the one will be waking up shortly for round two. Next movie!
One of my fish died this week, one of my prize sucky fish, I say prize because they are so huge, I am talking you could cook these guys up and help world starvation. I really don't know anything about fish and Donkey was good enough when I was off with my illness to get me a tank and fish to sit and enjoy, which I still do. But I am now down to 3 fish, only one sucky fish left, which I am sure he is happy about, more room for him. I should probably clean out and disinfect, but as Donkey has pointed out to me it has been probably a year since we have taken it all apart and given a really good cleaning. Fish tanks are a big job to clean by the way, all those rocks.
Well my peace and quiet is about to end the demon is awake. Sorry I haven't been keeping up, but I am sure you can understand.
Have a Great Weekend everyone
love and hugs
Monday, October 25, 2010
Having fun the with grand babies being here, house is busy but I do enjoy it.
Made a batch of cornbread today, tastes pretty good if I do say so myself. Something I have always said I would make, well today was the day. Having the favorite birthday dinner tonight, wieners and beans with some toast, well I am having cornbread. The little master says he isn't having any, but he never wants dinner, but wait till he sees there is cake.
Really didn't do a whole lot on the weekend, Donkey and my daughter were moving and putting things in storage for a month and a bit and I looked after the kidlets. Today went for a nice walk, can you believe this warm weather, beautiful day to be outside. We all know what is around the corner, so was a nice chance to get in another nice day before the other comes.
I wish I had something exciting to rant about, but I think I am ranted out for a while, gets too emotional and my poor system just can't take anymore. Have been working hard on-line, okay not really but I do put in the time.
So really that is kind of it. Dinner and cake soon, and then baths and bed. My little grandson has school tomorrow so we won't be up late that is for sure, 5:30 comes pretty early around here let me tell you. The little demons don't believe in sleeping in so we have all been going to bed at crazy early times, just so we can get some sleep in before they are up again. Just over a month and life will be back to normal, fingers crossed, a piece of clover under my pillow and fairy dust in the air.
Oh and in case I forget, my basement is leaking again, all the rain we have been having has sprung another leak down there somewhere. Maybe we need the other to fall from the sky and help my basement from leaking, who knows, we keep patching and fixing and it just keeps coming, anyone want to come over for a swim!?
Everyone have a good night, not a bad tv night I don't think, I am sure I will be stuck watching hockey, thank goodness for a good book is what I always say. Off I go for a nice glass of wine and finish cooking dinner for the don't want to eat eaters.
love and hugs
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I Know!
Fall has really set in here in my little village, very pretty colors on the trees and the yards, most of the leaves are on the yards now. Lots of wind, which is really helping with the raking. Someone is going to have a real mess of leaves.
Today I did my most favorite thing to do. I re-arranged furniture! I love moving furniture around and giving everything a good cleaning. Makes a room feel all nice and new again, even though it is the same old furniture it feels all fresh. And the dust bunnies run scared from my swiffer. Floors get a good polish and you hate to think of anyone who is going to sit in there and make a mess, talking about you Donkey. I even did some decorating today. A while back I had bought some of those word wall stencils, they look like you have painted sayings on the wall, and they turned out a lot better than I thought they were going to. And now I am inspired to find a bunch more and do all kinds of them on the one wall. If you see any (in black) grab them for me. I have a picture frame that has all kinds of sayings carved into it and I think this one wall will really suit the same effect. I know Donkey isn't going to agree, but he pretty much lets me have my way when it comes to decorating the house.
He finally got my new lights up in the kitchen, they look really nice and bring the new kitchen all together. Well I should correct that, I still haven't purchased my cupboard doors, but I am picky and can't decide. Wish I knew someone who could just make them, I know what I want but can't seem to find. No we can if we want to pay a fortune.
All is good here and work continues on at its usual quiet pace, just about perfect for me. I had my last wisdom tooth removed last week, they sent me to specialist to take it out, I guess it was sideways behind and under my molers, and it still hurts, thank goodness for pain pills. Have been finding myself napping and in bed at 9 at night, crazy stuff.
On the weekend we went to family and had a wonderful visit with all their kids and grandkids, love getting together and seeing everyone, we only see them about once a year if we are lucky. So was really nice. Can't get over how we are all aging, and the kids are growing so fast it is shocking.
Well I am off to the kitchen to figure out some dinner, Tilapia is on the menu tonight, my favorite fish to eat. Just not sure what we are having with it at this point, hoping when I get into the kitchen I will be inspired.
Everyone have a great night, and I would like to say I will be back tomorrow but my record of postings is proving I am not as dedicated as I would like to be.
love and hugs
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tomorrow I am going to have my final wisdom tooth removed, have to have done at a specialists, I guess it is a tricking one and they are going to put me out for it. Donkey has booked the day off to be my driver and babysitter, the lucky boy.
My little dog isn't feeling too well today. Has been really slow moving around the house, his groomer came and picked him up for a hair cut and even she commented that he just isn't himself today. He is 13 years old so he is maybe having an old man day.
Baked a beautiful apple pie today, looking forward to it for dessert, might have it first and then have dinner. Dinner is just some chicken and rice, oh and some nice fresh squash, love this time of year for all the readily available squash.
I have a big surprise for everyone, but I can't tell you yet. Others have to be told first and then I can pass it on. We think we are pleased but only time will tell. And here we go again! What are we thinking, only kidding, it was a choice that we thought will be good for everyone. And really hope that everyone will be supportive.
The weather is really fall like today, the warmth of the weekend isn't here at all now, and kind of raining or at least really trying to be rain, more of a mist. And dark out. Wish we didn't change the clocks and have to deal with the days seeming so short. But I guess it is better than some provinces that it is dark or dusk for months on end. That has got to be depressing.
Had a nice visit yesterday with my Kitten, sat and caught up and drank too much coffee, guess what I was doing all night? Coffee is so good going down, not so much when it wants back out all night long and you can't sleep. But was still a nice visit and worth the lost sleep.
Oh this is cute. We have 5 mature trees in the front of our property and they lose a ton of leaves, of course. Yesterday when I was pulling into the drive a couple of young boys were going by on bikes with rakes, I am thinking oh they are going to stop and ask to do the leaves, how much cash do I have on me. Well the first boy didn't even slow down, the second as he is getting closer is slowing down and chime up "hey are you wanting to rake some leaves?", he looks at all the leaves, we presently don't have any grass and shakes his head "yeah no thanks, I don't think so". Was really funny, because it hit me that this is our youth, yeah they will do the job if it really isn't that big or hard of a job, but if it looks to big or hard they don't want anything to do with it. This is our future CEO's and we have created this lazy society of youths. They don't have to work for anything in most cases because we give them anything and everything they could ever want. And don't make them work for it. I was guilty of it once upon a time with my own children, they did little chores and of course the older they got the more that was expected of them, but I sure wasn't ever handed money whenever I asked for it. I had a part-time job at 12 and babysat as much as I was asked. If I wanted the fancier clothes I earned the money to buy them, I wasn't taken to the mall and have it bought for me. But I guess times have changed. And maybe we are compensating for all those extra hours we work and are away from home and we feel the need to buy our children's love. Just my opinion.
Well it is 6 and I am waiting on Donkey to call so I can throw the chicken in the oven and finish the fried rice for our dinner. It is Survivor night and I really do try to see some of it before Donkey kicks me off of the tv and I have to go and watch tv in bed.
Everyone have a good night!
Love and hugs
And to my brother-in-law, good luck tomorrow buddy we will be thinking of you big time. And sister-in-law you call if you need me, I owe you!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Another One Is Over
Christmas is the next holiday we have, well unless of course you celebrate the American Thanksgiving.
This month I am sure will go down in the history books, 10/10/10, was yesterday. Don't think we are going to see that again in our lifetimes. And there is five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays this month. I have forgotten when this will happen again, but unless you intend to live really really long you won't see this again either.
My Donkey is off golfing today, probably the last time out of the year, well here in Canada anyways. I am sure he will be golfing in Florida come December. Has been a really beautiful weekend weather wise, lots of sun a perfect weekend to go and check out the fall colors. Which I haven't been able to do. Tomorrow I hope to go to my Kitten's house and will be taking the camera and try and get a few shots taken. She has been suffering from a cold of some sort so will have to see how she is feeling tomorrow, I don't go to sick peoples houses and they don't come here. Have a bit of a phobia of the sickly, I am done with hospitals and doctors and I stay away from the ill, my system just can't fight it off anymore.
We had a lovely meal yesterday at the in-laws, was great to see the family (well not all of them), all the kids are sure growing up fast, have to take a second look at some of them to realize who they are. Donkey comes from a large family, eight siblings including him. I was raised alone, all the siblings were grown and gone when I came along, so seeing the interaction of large families always amazes me. I think I might being alone.
My daughter and boyfriend with the kidlets came, very nice to see them. I had picked them up the cutest halloween outfits for this month, so cute. And of course I forgot to take pictures and for once I actually remembered to bring the camera, so typical of me. Either I forget the damn thing or I forget to use it. Last year I left it on the piano when we went to Florida, thank goodness my sister-in-law had hers and shared with me. I have to take pictures of palm trees, I don't know what it is about them but I sure have a lot of pictures of them.
Oh and an update on our weepy basement, I think it has finally stopped. I have been able today to turn off the pump, poor little thing has been working non-stop for weeks it seems. Basement looks good so far, fingers crossed. Left the pump down there just in-case though, we have that kind of luck.
Did I tell you I got rid of that damn piano. If you ever need movers for a piano call Dial A Movers from Orillia, nice guys and they were very respectful of the house and the piano. I hope the family that took it are happy with it.
Well that is kind of it for today, I am suppose to be working and needed a bit of a break, now it is coffee time. Enjoy the holiday today, and will talk to you next week.
Love and hugs
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Really it is Thursday Already!
This is good news! I finally got rid of that damn piano! Donkey is so funny, he emails to tell me he was going to take lessons to be able to play in his retirement years at discos. No really, he still thinks there is discos out there somewhere. There isn't, is there?
We thought our basement was finished leaking, but I guess it really isn't. That is this weekends project, hydraulic cement will be plugging up some cracks and holes, whether they are leaking or not. Really would like to be able to close my bathroom window and not have a big black hose sticking out of it. Not a good look in my opinion.
My sister-in-law has flown home as of last night, I am sure she will be happy to be back in her own environment again and able to look after her husband and his sore back (butt actually). They are expected back the end of November to take possession of their new retirement home. Yep we are going to be neighbors, hope they can handle us?! Won't actually be for a couple of years but the price was right and timing couldn't of been better for them. They have some renovations ahead of them, but will be a great place when all done.
So now that the piano is gone I have a very large space to fill up. Would love to buy a new desk, but not sure exactly what I want so I will wait until it jumps out at me. Moved around some furniture to take away the bareness, but not quite happy with the space yet. Tomorrow is another day and I am sure I will move around some more furniture again.
Does everyone have plans for Turkey Day this weekend? We are going to Donkey's family. Tomorrow I am baking one of my carrot cakes with cream cheese, yummy. And Donkey has to cook potatoes for approximately 30 people, happy peeling to you Donkey. Funny in my early retirement we seem to be entertaining less and less and here is me with all the time in the world but no inkling to cook big meals for people that I really don't want here. Isn't that terrible!?
And funny thing is, here I am not cooking turkey dinner, but I bought three of them. They were on sale, and can always have turkey anytime.
I just got a phone call from my Canadian bank and the reason I say Canadian is because they are Canadian, so why can't they have their telemarketers speak damn english!!! I have real issues with people who can't speak our language in our country. If we were in their country you for sure know we would have to be able to speak their language. Have to follow their customs, their religions, schooling, policing, oh I could go on and on. Here, yeah not so much. Come to our country, our beautiful Canada and rape it. That is right we are raping our own country. Our religion is always under question, our school policies change to accommodate, oh and please wear your turban with our police uniform. And if you don't live in our beautiful country then why not work for our employers in Canada in your own country and take away our jobs. Well at least until you can immigrate with your families and then we will just support you until you are able to save enough money to buy another one of our convenience/gas stations and bring the rest of your family over. Why can we not buy cigarettes if we are under aged but some kid that can't speak english can sell them to us? Oh that is right, they sure know how to count our money! Back to my bank, trying to sell me insurance, and they are high pressure sales people, and when you are trying to be polite and explain to them you can't understand a damn word they are saying, they just keep talking. Hello! Can I speak to someone I can understand! Yeah no, I am sorry there is no one available at this time and the pitch continues. And me being me, asked where they are calling from, yep I am right, they aren't even in Canada, they are in some country that I can't even understand the name to. I am sure they aren't making a ton of money, but I bet there is some guy currently looking for work or that is on welfare that could do the job. Keep our work in Canada people! Don't support companies that feel the need to take their business and businesses over seas. Stand-up and complain, you know I will.
Okay that was my rant, and I had no intentions to rant today, just happy to be back on track and catch up with my blogging friends. But there you go, you knew I would find something to rant about.
Well off I go, get something going for Donkey's dinner, spaghetti night. Thursday during hockey season is always spaghetti night. And I do make good spaghetti.
Enjoy the rest of the day, hope it has been a Happy one!
love and hugs
Friday, October 1, 2010
So sorry!
Week has been really busy it seems, and I don't know what I have accomplished. I did get the grandkids halloween costumes. So cute, a fireman costume for my little master and a very adorable witches/candy corn costume for our little princess. A new Winners opened in Orillia and so far so good, it is a nice store. Nice and tidy at this point.
It is terrible that I am sitting here and drawing a complete blank of what to share with everyone. Donkey is in a hockey tournament this weekend so he is MIA most of the weekend, which is okay, I have some serious reading to catch up on.
Oh and I can tell my big secret now! My sister-in-law has purchased the house next door to us, we are going to be neighbors, I don't what they were thinking but they are wanting to live next door to us. Lots of changes! As long as I keep Donkey working on my house or there is going to be hell to pay, well not really but I like to think it.
I am so sorry I am uninspired tonight. We went out for dinner, well my sister-in-law and I did, was a good meal, as always. For those that know me, I have even been out shopping this week a couple of times, and I so hate shopping. I only shop for food and only because I have to feed Donkey or I am sure he would give me the boot, no he wouldn't, who else could live with him.
Oh and this reminds me , this is a must watch. I swear if I thought Donkey knew how to make this he would of, but obviously someone else knows us really well. Copy and paste to watch.
Well I am off for the night and the weekend. I will try my best for next week. Oh and just in case you are wondering, our basement is still leaking, pump is still running. Donkeys job for Sunday, well if he is able to do something about it.
Have a Happy Weekend!
love and hugs
Monday, September 27, 2010
Well Aren't I Surprised
How was everyone's weekend? Weather wasn't too bad here, cool out. Busy in my little village with the fall fair, lots of traffic, which confuses us small time folks.
Friday night I spent on the phone with my Greatest friend (7 hours), caught up on everything that we couldn't when she was home last, can't wait till she is back in Ontario and I don't care where in Ontario but we will be there!!!!!
Picked up my sister-in-law Saturday night, she is here for a visit for the next bit, no return date as of yet.
And for anyone who really knows me you will be impressed, I made a decision on a light fixture all on my own for the kitchen finally. The gaping hole in my wall will finally have a purpose. If Donkey isn't too busy tonight he will put up for me and the matching one will be here on Wednesday, I know two lights, all by myself, what is the world coming to.
Oh and for those who were concerned the basement is dry, oh yeah, thank goodness for that. Now if mother nature can keep some of the rain in check we will be good. Oh and thanks for all the help with the pool closing it went great! So glad we can depend on our friends who share our little piece of heaven are good enough to come and help out.
Here comes my rant!
Talking to my Greatest friend on Friday some things were revealed to me which I still am having a real hard time to deal with, I don't doubt her for a second, she is a real friend and would never cause me any bad feelings or harm. As far as she is away she is always here for me! Truths were told that I knew deep down and had questioned about and was given reason to believe I was really losing my mind. Well guess what I am not! Myself and Donkey had some real heart to hearts since our pool party about some things that had supposedly happened and we both had no re-call at all of the events that were being told to us. Yes we had too much to drink (that isn't new at one of our parties), but I was accused of something that I just knew and was shocked that I had done. And really knew I wouldn't of done! And really weird was the people that I had supposedly offended have since called and thanked us for a nice night out and look forward to the next. Okay something is not right I say to Donkey and he of course keeps telling me not to worry about it. Would hate to think that I would of been so rude, okay I can be rude, okay a lot of the time I am rude if I don't like you. But hey you will know it! So to think that I would almost attack someone and have to be pulled off of them, seriously, I am a lover not a fighter. I don't like pain and would never put myself into a position with the chance of getting the crap beat out of me. So why would someone you call a friend remind you repeatedly of this and make you feel even worse. Telling you that this is exactly what you did and had to be physically removed by them and not Donkey, which is weird he is always there to defend me and of course remind me when I am misbehaving. Because boy can I misbehave. And I know I am not explaining any of this correctly and it is confusing, but I am thinking that when this person reads my blog today they will know who they are and will maybe think about the lie they told me and ask themselves why and to what end were they expecting of the outcome. I am really confused about this whole event. Why would someone you call a friend be hurtful and not to just me by the way. They also said some things to my Greatest friend and really don't know how they could ever think to hurt her, why would you cause pain to someone who would never hurt you or anyone else and is the most welcoming of people. The same person who welcomed you into our circle of friends when they didn't have any friends of their own and always make sure they are invited and included. I know they know who they are and feel sad that I so misjudged and hey maybe for the best. Yes this is me being a chicken! How do you say to someone whom you thought was a friend that "yeah don't want you around anymore, this is the last lie you will tell me, because I think I have caught you in a few."
Once upon a time I did a take of my family and friends and really pulled away from those that I just didn't think were who they claimed to be, and it is time again. I have people in my life that I would give my life for! No questions asked! These people know how much they mean to me and I don't have to tell them all the time, even though I really should. These people don't question our relationship or the relationships we have with others, we don't need too. I am not a jealous person, would never accuse someone of a terrible act, I would confront them and ask why or what. I won't tell tales behind your back and really won't tell tales to your face. If I have a problem with anyone you will know it, because I will tell you. And if I am wrong in my actions I will apologize to who I offended. I like to confront all those involved when tales are told and prefer to have you in the same room, no he said she said. And for all my friends and family that have stood beside me or behind me you know this and would never question my loyalty to you or accuse me of something that would hurt me or you. We all make mistakes in this life that we travel but it is wrong to hurt people on that road. And I ask myself why anyone would hurt someone on purpose that they say you love.
In closing, I know I will have to confront this person and listen to more of the tale, well if you are reading this and think this is you and still want to be my friend, I would strongly recommend that you don't bring it up! We will end our fragile friendship and go our separate ways and really too bad, because we did call you a friend, but I guess friendship means different things to different people. We will miss you!
I am emotionally done now!
For all my friends Have a Happy Day!
love and hugs
Friday, September 24, 2010
We have hot water again!
So life is good! I am clean and I can clean!
Pool closing tomorrow, who wants to come and help!? Rain or shine!
And it is the fall fair here in my little village, all the red necks will be out and over-take my quiet little haven. It really is a big deal here, brings lots of people to the village, and adds some badly needed income I am sure to the little shops. But for us that live here causes a lot of inconvenience.
I think the grandkids are coming tonight to go to the Derby, again not a fan, too much noise for me.
Can you believe the weather today, I am back in shorts, figure this will be the last time to wear them here in Ontario for the year. Should of cut grass today, but I didn't, maybe over the weekend I will try and get it done for the last time this year. Plants are all winterized and ready for the snow, sorry I said that bad word.
Okay check out this link, I was laughing so hard I was crying. Not that I am promoting, it is just funny to listen to this.
Well it is the weekend again, and we have of course lots to do around here as well as the pool closing. Airport tomorrow for my sister-in-law, and she is here for a couple of weeks, I apologize in advance for my lack of posts.
Have a Great Weekend everyone and will share with you next week.
love and hugs
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Rain, rain, go away, don't come back ....
Woke up this morning to a note from Donkey, "not hot water, I will be right back home", okay that is weird what is going on? Downstairs I look, and I don't go downstairs on my own on the best of days, but the last time my hot water quit they showed me how to re-set it. Okay I can do that, yeah not without a canoe.
So guess what we have been doing today?!
Water everywhere, almost a foot of water, no hot water for us, glad we don't need the furnace.
Donkey and I spent the morning pumping water and cleaning up. Long over due for the clean-up, hell of a way to get motivated. Gas company is coming tomorrow to fix the hot water, well only if there is no water. Oh the drama!
Went into my daughters to have a shower, stinky I was after all that. Tomorrow cross your fingers we will have hot water.
And my sister-in-law is coming Saturday, so we need to have this all taken care of, my head hurts.
Haven't even been link building today, hoping to do while Donkey is at hockey later. Yesterday went out to my Kittens' and taught her some link building, she is now working with my daughter and I. She has a new baby at home, plus her two wonderful young men, oh and her husband (of course) to look after, it doesn't pay to go to work when you have daycare to pay. Why not, stay at home and get paid to read articles, nice gig if you ask me. Oh and don't ask me for work, not hiring.
Well my Donkey is heading out the door for second game of hockey, and that means I should get to work, after I go and pump some water off of the damn pool. Did I tell you it was raining, wow, is it going to let up soon. I hate to say it, and you won't hear me repeat, but would rather have snow.
Have a great night all my friends!
love and hugs
If you don't hear from us in a few days please pop over, we might of drowned, no only kidding, but if you are in the area. ?!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
You won't believe this!!!!
Sitting here linking away, which I have my office space set-up right in front of the piano room window, so I can see and get some sun. And this woman comes walking up towards the vehicles, oh is someone here? I ask myself, oh no she has a dog. Now our driveway is probably four cars long and two wide. There is no reason for someone to come up unless they are coming to the house. So I get up to see if I can help her, "oh No! just out walking my dog". Seriously, in my driveway. What do you think I said? "How about not in my driveway". The dog is on a leash and she is letting it come up the driveway to piss on my vehicle tires, come-on people, what is wrong with this.
She looked at me as if I had two heads, when I asked her to maybe not let her dog up my driveway, it is bad enough that they piss all over my flowers and trees, now you have to come and piss on my tires. Shall I come over to your house and do the same. Oh yeah you know I said it. Really upsets me! No really upsets me, that I kind of see red. It is disrespectful of my property that you can come tooddiling up my drive and you have no problem with it.
I am taking this further by the way. I am writing to the paper, and saying my piece, and tomorrow I have to go to the township office to pay taxes and I am asking what my rights are in this regards. It has to stop or I am going to snap someone's neck, and it won't be the dog. Not their fault their owners are idiots, they are the one on the other end of the leash and obviously not the leaders.
That is my rant, oh wow, I am wound up now, I don't even think I can go back to work now, too upset. Anyone who knows my Donkey knows his feelings regarding his little blue baby and how often he is out there cleaning her and washing tires. He would of lost it if he had of been here. Or at least sent me out.
Have a Happy Piss Free Day
love and hugs
Oh yeah and dinner was great, we both lived through it and would for sure make again, fish sauce isn't that bad after all. The only thing I would change, is maybe not drink so much wine before dinner was prepared. Oh well you know me, have wine, must drink it.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Picture Day
My little grandson had his first school picture taken today, and as per him it was great and he gave a big smile. I can't wait. And today was his first day with his new teacher, my daughter says she seems a lot nicer and she is a lot younger than the last one. He has been moved to a smaller class, thank goodness. How can they properly do anything with a class of almost 40 students all under the age of 5. His new class has only 15, so much better.
And my little granddaughter went and had hers done at WalMart, they will be in next week, the one her mom took she looks so cute. Can you believe they gave her trouble for taking a picture of her getting her picture taken. I just can't believe they would say anything let alone ask her to delete it, really.
The weekend was very uneventful, Donkey golfed on Saturday and I did some extra link building for some extra holiday money. Oh yeah we are already talking about holidays which aren't until December but we are excited. Love Florida! And this year we are doing the whole Disney experience, well if I have my way we will be.
This weekend we are closing the pool and picking up my sister-in-law from the airport, not sure how long she is here and I can't tell you why she is here either, it is a big secret, I will share when I get the go ahead.
Tonight I am trying a very different dinner dish for Donkey and I to try, and I don't even have the name of it, I didn't print that part of the recipe off. But it has chicken, squash, zucchini and fish sauce. Not too sure about the fish sauce, but says it is essential. Have already been given the heads up of the smell, so shouldn't be too shocking. Will let you know tomorrow how it was, unless of course we die of food poisoning. Which I think we have pretty tolerable stomachs, I have been cooking for Donkey for over 19 years now. And if you know him he sure doesn't look starved.
So I am off to have a pre-dinner glass of wine, have been a really good housewife/SEO and not had a drink since my all nighter with my English friend last week, and really won't be doing that again any time soon. I am pretty sure the wine store was worried about me, they were all happy to see me today.
Okay my friends, I am off for a quiet night, at least I hope, with lots of new tv programs on for Donkey to watch and a good book for me.
Have a Happy Day!
love and hugs
Friday, September 17, 2010
Just had to share this with you.
The Mayonnaise Jar
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle,
When 24 hours in a day is not enough;
remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class
and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly,
he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar
and start to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured
it into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.
The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.
He then asked the students again
if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand
and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded
With an unanimous 'yes.'
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table
and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively
filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed.
'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided,
'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things - God, family,
children, health, friends, and favorite passions
Things that if everything else was lost
and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the things that matter like your job, house, and car.
The sand is everything else --
The small stuff.
'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued,
'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,
You will never have room for the things that are
important to you.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play with your children.
Take time to get medical checkups.
Take your partner out to dinner.
There will always be time
to clean the house and fix the dripping tap.
'Take care of the golf balls first --
The things that really matter.
Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'
One of the students raised her hand
and inquired what the coffee represented.
The professor smiled.
'I'm glad you asked'.
It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,
there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'
Please share this with other "Golf Balls"
I just did ......
The following link should be looked at and passed on with everyone. What a great idea. We can all do our little part to help those less fortunate than us.
Have a Happy Weekend, talk to you next week!
love and hugs
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Cold, Brrrr!
Life seems to be way too busy for me, retirement is a very busy time, and who would of thought it. I feel like I get up in the morning and rush through my day, only to go to bed to start all over again the next day. My house should be spotless, not, my yard should be a garden of eden, not even close. And even my drinking is way down, well not way down but sure not getting enough. :)
I want to add some pictures finally. Okay only one, that is allowed I have been allowed.
This is my Donkey, and he is going to shoot me for posting this picture, but I did tell him to smile, so his fault.
Today is cold in our little village. I am cold already, not sure what I am going to do come winter.
Was at the dentist again today, one more to go and my teeth will be all pearly white again. Well still have one more wisdom tooth to come out. Will that mean I won't be as wise as I presently am?
We really haven't been doing a whole lot around here but just seems so busy for some odd reason. I know even Donkey is complaining about being worn out. Maybe it is the shorter days and lack of sun.
My brother called us over the weekend to announce his daughter, my niece, is getting married next July. They are going on a cruise, fingers crossed we are going with them. Have never been on a cruise, not sure about the ride on the boat concept, but hey I will try anything at least once. Boy cruises are expensive! We are checking out prices and seeing if my retired budget can handle it.
We announced this morning to each other that we are closing the pool next weekend, it is time, no one is using (only 66 degrees) so it is time to shut it down for another year. Hate the thoughts of looking outside and seeing that big black tarp that protects the pool. This time of year the pool becomes a lot of hard work, trying to keep the leaves and critters out.
And some really awesome news from my favorite sister-in-law and brother-in-law, but I can't tell, sorry, have been sworn to secrecy. Call me and I will let you know!
Well it is going on 3 and I still have a couple of hours of link building to do today, and really should run to the wine store and get supplies. See what I mean, my day is just so busy.
Have a Happy Day everyone!
love and hugs
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
First Day of School & Happy Birthday
Sorry I have ignored you all, seems there is just not enough hours in the day lately, hoping winter brings things to a more manageable level for me.
So I am here at my daughters waiting for Poppa to get here (Donkey) and let the party begin. We really think little man is going to crash, he is so tired.
For the birthday girl there is dress-up clothes fit for a princess right down to the tiaras. Can't wait to see her all dressed up.
Well I really am not inspired today, so I think I will just go and play, or maybe have a nap too.
Have a Happy Day everyone!
love and hugs
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
One of my beefs about hockey is all the time that it takes up in our personal lives. Donkey plays no less that twice a week, three if he is lucky, and for anyone who calls looking for a goal tender. We could be having a nice quiet evening and the phone rings and off he goes to yet another hockey game. And the television, well that is all we watch. Not that I am a big television fan, but really don't want to watch hockey every night of the week.
And how about the salaries those guys playing the Canadian Game, how obscene is that. We have people homeless, starving, maybe needing medical attention and we have them living on the streets, but lets pay some hockey celebrity millions of dollars to play a game. What about putting some of those crazy salaries towards something worth while, maybe cancer research, there is an idea that I could support. But nope they are worth the money they are being paid, after all they are playing the Canadian Game or is it past-time. Anyways still not a fan.
Don't get me wrong have been to games, seen the Toronto Maple Leafs a couple of times now. Pretty sure I could find something way better to do with my time than sit through that again. Over-priced admissions, over-priced drinks, (seriously you are charging me how much for that thimble of wine) and how about the parking. You would think a league that makes that kind of money, not the players, the league, could supply a decent amount of parking that you aren't getting ripped for ex amounts of dollars to park. And oh my don't have anything to eat, you might need to get a loan to buy some popcorn, that by the way is stale.
I could go on and on about my dislike of hockey. I don't go to Donkey's games anymore, he is embarrassed when I take a book to read. What does he expect, I hate the game, why watch it? Who willing wants to go and watch for an hour a half, in the cold, something that I would rather read or sleep through. Sorry Donkey, can't support this one!
That is my rant for today, really only because I have been home all day, lonely and he has gone off to sit with a bunch of guys, drink beer and talk about this season's hockey schedule. How about some emails to communicate with guys and stay at home until the real season starts. Any excuse to get out of the house these men have.
Sorry I am late today with my post, enjoy the rest of the cold, wet evening.
love and hugs
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Had dentist again this morning, another wisdom tooth pulled, again not too bad, they are great.
Water was off this morning, had to have a drizzle shower (not much water pressure) and then got home from the dentist all prepared to work my afternoon away and the hydro went out. So I went out, took a drive up to my sisters' and had a coffee.
Hydro and water is all back to normal now and have really not got anything done today.
Oh I lie, moved around my work area (computer), it is only a laptop but hooked my speakers up and got myself out of the dining room, which was driving me crazy to be in there. Really not perfect where I have set it all up, but I like to be able to look out the windows and be nosy. And I have now see the desk I really want so will have to save up for that and then I can re-arrange again.
Anyone want an antique piano? If I could get the piano out of my house I would be laughing. A beautiful piece just takes up to much room. We loved it when we got it and now we want it to be in someone else's space. Feel free to email me here or comment with details and she is all yours to come and pick-up. Sorry no deliveries!
Sorry I am just not my chatty self today and don't have anything I really want to rant about.
Have a Happy Day everyone and talk to you tomorrow.
love and hugs
Monday, September 6, 2010
To Pee Or Not To Pee
It is great that dog owners get out there and walk their dogs, however many times a day. Good exercise for them and the dog. And of course it is the law to poop and scoop, as well it should be, I don't shit in their yards. But this brings me to a problem that has been bugging me for a very long time.
We have an old dog, who drives us insane on the best of days, who I love anyways. But he doesn't like to be out of his back yard domain. Therefore his poop is in his yard and that is where I have to scoop. But it brings me to my problem. Because my dog doesn't leave his yard, why do I have to deal with trillions of dogs going by daily that pee all over my front trees and gardens. In my dogs yard I have to deal with the death of plants that he perhaps has been a little over zealous on, and I take care of replacing plants and grass growth. I can't very well replace a hundred year old tree that smells like piss, now can I. And of course every dog that goes by also feels the need to relieve themselves because the dog before him has.
So a couple of years ago, Donkey and I decided to plant flowers at the base of two of our front trees, one tree never did work out and we gave up. The other tree this year we have finally had some blooms come up. But only on one side? Weird? Not when you are getting pissed on a trillion times a day it isn't. This also now explains why for 16 years I have never been able to get grass to grow properly at the sidewalk of our house, and this is after repeatedly planting seed, and I am talking a couple of times a year we are putting new seed down.
What should we do? Well Donkey won't let me yell at people any more, says it embarrasses him. Me don't really care if they are offended and think I am crazy. If you know me, you know I am crazy in so many ways. So I mentioned to Donkey that I was going to put up signs asking dog owners to stop letting their dogs piss on my trees, grass and my flower bed that is drowning in pee. He doesn't like that idea either. But I ask you, why not??? I maintain the yard, I plant the new grass seed, trying to keep a nice street appeal. Why can't people contain their peeing dogs to their yards and let them kill their plant life. Does this sound silly?
I guess because I am retired now and spend a lot of time in the yard I see more and have been paying attention to the dog walkers and the dog habits. I at least now know that it isn't anything we have been doing wrong with the grass and gardens that has caused them to look like crap and smell like pee. You figure if you have three trees, that are old, they have been abused with a lot of pee over the years, and this is funny but if you have a smell you are going to smell pee.
Cats get chased off of peoples property for doing the exact same thing that dog owners and walkers let happen, and the dogs are on a leash, completely controlled. Cats wander and do their thing wherever they want. And you talk to any dog owner and they will complain about the damn neighborhood cats and how they shouldn't be aloud to do their business in their yards. Hello this is my complaint too about your damn dog!!!!
Onto a very different topic. Donkey and I were invited to some old friends for dinner on Saturday night, friends that we are unsure exactly how we lost contact with for so long. Did we ever have a great visit, a lovely dinner, and a very wonderful evening. Can't wait for the next time they can tolerate our company. I wasn't able to sample the home-made peach pie, but Donkey said it was delicious, I had the lemon cake, heavenly. And here is me, take two bottles of wine, one for sharing and one for a gift, and didn't I drink them both, surprised? liars! But again just want to say what a great evening we had. Would of been in trouble if I didn't mention! :)
Have a Happy Day everyone and I shall rant at you tomorrow.
love and hugs
Friday, September 3, 2010
Friday Again - Happy Long Weekend
The following was in my in-box this morning and really had to share with all of you. I won't apologize for anything it says, I agree with it all.
I likely will be charged for sending you this email, since it would seem, I, as well as the regular taxpaying Canadian have no rights; criminals have rights, immigrants have rights, First Nations have rights, and the list goes on and on, while we the tax payer pay for these people’s education, welfare, lawyer fees, all without us being able to say one word. What exactly do we owe these people that we do not deserve ourselves? Why is our government, who supposedly represent us, find this to be fair? I know, for VOTES, but perhaps you should start thinking of our votes. We get these emails and forward them to others being very careful not to send them to someone who may be offended. WE ARE OFFENDED! Do you really believe we just accept this without comment, almost every conversation we have with others, up pops up this subject , we just don’t do anything about it. BUT BE ASSURED WE DO NOT LIKE IT, ACCEPT IT AND DEFINITELY DO NOT AGREE WITH IT. I will even go so far as commenting on the money we provide for First Nations people, yes we owed them for stealing their lands, etc; but did we not do the exact same thing to Acadians, I don’t remember paying them off. I think it is time First Nations people start joining the rest of Canada, contribute to the Canadian economy and pay taxes.
My great grandfather watched as his friends died in WW1, my father watched as his friends died in WW II, and I watched as my friends died in Afghanistan. None of them died for a Foreign Flag. Let me make this perfectly clear!
Have a great long weekend everyone, and be Happy you are Canadian each and every day.
love and hugs
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I think I am complaining about the weather today because I haven't been outside yet today and it looks like it is a nice day and I really should of cut the grass. Didn't cut the grass because it said it is suppose to rain and don't want to get part way through and can't finish. I say this now and it is almost 3 in the afternoon and could of cut the damn grass a few times over. Oh well tomorrow is another day.
Now for those of you who are currently not sitting down you really should, because this is going to knock you on your butt, and I don't want anyone to hit their heads. Donkey put all the trash out to the side of the road for pick-up, even the recycle. I told you to sit down, now didn't I. He never takes out the trash, I can't even get him to take it from the kitchen to the can. So today is a mark on the calendar day. I don't mean to pick on my Donkey, he does work very hard around here, has pretty much re-built our entire house and has done an amazing job, but his domestic skills, yeah not so much. We used to have this deal; inside is me and outside is his, mmmmmmmm, something has gone seriously wrong with this.? Oh well I do do a better job on the grass than he does.
Last night my daughter, boyfriend and the kidlets came for a swim and dinner, was so nice. Just us for once, that doesn't happen too often around here, not that we don't like company, just nice to have a visit uninterrupted once in awhile. My big boy grandson is doing so great in the pool this season, becoming very brave, great to see his comfort level is getting there. Little sister she actually has had some set-backs, she isn't as comfortable as she was at the beginning of summer. And she has this really bad habit of pooing everytime she is in the pool, thank goodness for little swimmers, what did we use to do? I guess we scooped, yuck! But was a nice visit. Did some lovely steaks and basil potatoes with just a tossed salad but was good. Oh and hot dogs, don't forget the hot dogs, that is all my grandson will eat when he is here, the little bum. Oh and they brought these strawberry tart eclair things, wow! So good!
Anyone have any great plans for the last long weekend of the summer. Can you believe it is coming to a close. Such a wonderful summer, this one must go down in the record books for one of the better summers in such a long time. Can't remember such a nice hot summer. We have dinner at friends on Saturday, golf for Donkey on Sunday and I think he is starting our garage roof somewhere in there too. I don't think he has seen the rain predicted or he is thinking they are going to be wrong again. Fingers crossed it doesn't rain for the long weekend, it should only rain during the week and mainly at night, that would be perfect.
Well another day is gone, and I should finish my link building for the day, so with that kids, have a Happy Day!
love and hugs
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Happy Birthday To My Friend
So come on ask me, how was the party?
It was great! We had perfect weather, great guests, all in all was a good time for all. At least I hope it was, I had a good time, and we all know that is what matters! No really it was wonderful. Even my little grand children were on the best behavior, not sure if they had hit their pretty little heads first, but was great.
And no the damn fridge doesn't work, don't think it even will, it is off to the garbage for it.
My greatest friend was here from out west, too short of a visit, but was still a visit and we hope the next one will be they are staying forever. Fingers crossed they will be home for sure this time next year.
Went to the dentist today to start getting back on track with my teeth since chemo and radiation, who knew you have to wait. And my poor neglected teeth have suffered. Wonderful dentist and all his staff, pain free, was so nice. Today was the first of five appointments I have coming up, but will be worth it when all is done, thank goodness for insurance. You have to feel for those that can't even have their teeth taken care of because they don't have insurance and our health care doesn't cover it. Why doesn't our health care cover dental, your teeth are very important to your over-all health? What about kids, they need to go to the dentist? How can you tell a child that they can't go and have a sore tooth taken care of?
And how about this heat wave again that we are getting! Wow it is hot! Even too hot for me to be outdoors for any length of time. I am watching all my poor plants wilt in the heat, and that is with watering every morning. Last night was so hot I actually turned the air conditioning on, and I hate having the money sucking thing going. I believe in a dip in the pool or a shower to get cool, but that sure can't cut it in this heat. I guess we should enjoy it, this could be the last of it for the year.
Well I have to go, we have friends over for dinner and Donkey should be home soon I would think. Have a Happy Day! Sorry to those that have emailed and felt neglected, will try to keep on top of my rambling.
love and hugs
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Doesn't Work!
Here is a cute funny for you all. This morning we were having hydro issues, kind of normal around here, we don't really pay a whole lot of attention, it comes back on eventually. But then the internet went out and for us that also means our phone system is down. Okay I have my cell phone, sure it won't be long they must be digging somewhere. Well good old hydro I guess was doing some work somewhere here in town and finished up the job they were doing only to forget to put the boom thing down and upon driving away they pulled down all the wires, that they had just replaces, and also all the cable and internet lines, too funny. I wonder who has to pay for that? Looks like hydro is going to go up again.
So back to our fridge dilemma, Donkey is going and buying a fridge this afternoon before he heads home. Kinda think he is maybe feeling bad for me and all the time and effort I put into this piece of crap and is going to break down and get me a nice new clean one. Everyone raise your arms in a cheer, I know I am.
Today didn't really get anything done, with no internet for part of the day and bad disposition for pretty much most of the day, all I have to show for my angry day is a chicken in the crock pot, that smells wonderful, and some unfinished laundry, that when I am done here I shall go and finish. So really a nothing day and really nothing else to share today. It will be an evening of too much wine I am sure and maybe sometime in the hot tub. Can you get over how cold it is out there today! Going to have to change into some pants and socks if this keeps up. It is suppose to get nice and warm for the weekend, can't wait for the heat to come back, and for our pool party. And did I tell you my greatest friend is going to be here, sure I did earlier in the week. Have spent most of today getting pictures burnt off of the computers for her to take home with her. She is going to be surprised, well she won't now will she if she reads this, oh well.
Have a Happy Day everyone. And don't take fridges from family until you look in them and make sure they are working, I am talking I want to see the ice please.
And Happy Birthday Marty! Hope to see you this weekend!
love and hugs